I just tried Nostr and added my public key in stacker.news NIP-05 section.
But Snort.social shows a warning sign and there is no purple check mark on Damus either...
Does nip-05 domain have to approve by clients?
I suspect clients/relays are overloaded and not able to do verification. There's a lot of kinks to be worked out afaict.
It worked for me and others on Damus yesterday, but I'm similarly not verified today for some reason.
Just checked and I had to re-add it to Damus ... I've had an issue with Damus where my profile keeps getting wiped for some reason.
This happens to me when relays cached my old profile. My old handle keeps showing up on different clients, they eventually update themselves but it takes weeks. Nostr is still an alpha project.
I see. Thanks for the update!
A lot of things to do for nostr clients/relays..
works just fine on iris.to and snort.social for me Must be some overloading.
What needs to be done to use SN as the NIP-05 identification? Do we have to apply for it somewhere at SN?
It's working fine for me now! Thank you @kale! Thank you @k00b!
Thank you! I'd totally missed it!
You can do it yourself if you own a domain or use third party domains that offer it. For example: bitcoinnostr
Thank you, I know that. I'm asking something different.
Ahh, my bad:). Read too quickly.