trying to use fountain podcast I ve an issue (rewards stays to 0) so i ve contacted their support and here is their response

Sometimes your account might get flagged temporarily in our system (e.g. when you change devices on the same day, since you can only use Fountain on one device at a time), but if you keep using the app normally, your earnings should resume the next day.
If things do not change, here are some troubleshooting tips:
Try switching to a different wifi or cellular network for a few days and see if that makes a difference If you normally use a VPN, try without for 1-2 days. If this doesn't help, try a different device, if you have the option. Always try for more than one day, as some of the changes will only take effect the next day.
If none of this works, we will not be able to assist at this moment, I'm afraid. We would, however, be grateful if you could let us know the device and operation system you're experiencing these issues on (e.g. Xiaomi Redmi/Android). This will help us to investigate further and see if this is a device related issue, which we can then solve for all users.

Now i m trying to listen a podcast and let s see how it goes
This happened to me a lot when I started using fountain. You did the right thing contacting support. Each time the issue was usually resolved the next day. After a month or so it stops happening. I haven't had an issue in months.
i think fountain is pretty much just one person so it's cool to be patient with some things
Good advice
oki dok
thanks and let s cross my fingers (so far after 22mn of podcast earning still 0)
I was the same as you at the beginning. I was obsessed with getting my free sats. I think it was because I hadn't wrapped my brain around the whole "value for value" idea. It gradually dawned on me that to really help build a bitcoin economy, I really should focus on the value I was getting from the podcasts. I found some incredible content, and I am now more interested in giving good podcasters my sats through boosts. I particularly support those podcasters who rely solely on listener boosts for income, and less so the big advertisement model shows. I look at the first hour of free sats as supplementing my kitty to support my favorite podcasters. I no longer look at fountain as a way to earn, and more as a way to build a circular economy.
agree, there are some really good podcasts ( i ve listened to 15) but since 2 months i ve this issue so if i could fixed it better :)
I bet it's fixed by tomorrow morning