This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I found myself a cowboy hat!
Greenhouse gas emission = freedom
Its pretty scary that the earths core is made of Iron and Nickel. I mean metals.. We basically live on a metal planet that has organic tissue for skin. Can you imagine if this got out.
Idea: Give option to exclude posts that have "SN" or "Stacker News" in their title from ? (or more generally, how to exclude meta?)
Agreed. The move might be to just exclude discussion posts from me and the SN account.
New Bsats app released blocked by apple... so sad..
They want the app to:
  • have an account deletion function
  • have sign in with apple option..
  • have licenses because of the lightning wallet feature
let's see how to work around those..
why isnt the lightning network growing expnentially? what is the missing piece? anyone know?
Ordinals are pushing up onchain fees a bit. But fees are still sub-$1 that's not enough to get people to change.
People are spending their Bitcoin more than they used to, but not much and alot of that is online. If it's online, it doesn't really matter if it takes two seconds or two hours. So Bitrefill, one of the biggest actual venders that sells things for Bitcoin gets it mostly on-chain.
Multicoin exchanges don't want to spend time figuring out running a node or balancing liquidity. (They also might not want to make it easier to withdraw at all.) Afaik, Kraken is the only multicoin exchange that supports Lightning. If a bigger exchange, such as Coinbase or Binance (the biggest) it would probably do a lot.
I'm gonna say it too, people think it doesn't work. Their is actual incentivizes from altcoin publications pushing this narrative. In 2018, a self custodial LN payment did have a 50% 1st try failure rate though. Doesn't matter if that's no longer the case.
Honestly I don't think the UX is there for exponential growth yet. Setting up your own LN node is fairly technical even for engineering types, but it's getting better all the time.
Slow and steady growth is fine for now, exponential will come when there's a widespread demand/need for LN. Honestly I expect things to be just "good enough" by the next bull run for some big adoption.
Why am I sitting at a long night-shift again?
I had some other plans for today but seeing as I lost my cowboy hat again, not sure how, I was active yesterday and today, I guess I am searching for a new hat. Haha
Even though I bashed Coinkite’s Q1 in still going to reserve one because I’m a bitcoin cuck
Do you ever write a venting post on SN DDT to vent about inflation, just to delete it and say hey?
Hi everyone,
I need a job in the Bitcoin space. Full-time, part-time, or Contract.
I have 3 years of experience in customer support and community management.
My other areas of expertise include Project management, Content writing, and Administrative assistance.
Feel free to chat if you may have something for me.
Joined the Monday Meme competition for the first time today! Probably won’t win but the process of creating a meme on and posting it on posting and taking down the markdown URL made me feel that I have learnt so much tonight! Successfully posting my meme here is an accomplishment in itself
I did put out a good meme for the meme Monday competition, you all should check it out and pitch in your support. The meme theme is supporting others grow
🎶🎺🎷You know they call it blue Monday...
But Tuesday's just as baaaaad. 🎶🎺🎷
Great Monday everyone, I know it's the day everyone hates, but look at it this way, it's the day the markets open and we get some glimpse on how the week will be so we strategize accordingly, so it's a win win situation, have a wonderful day and I wish you lots of good things and success!! Be well and stay frosty
Markets are closed Presidents’ Day!
I'm still trying to figure out what NIP-05 are and how to connect them to any Nostr client. Would one say my handle on SN is my NIP-05?
Yes. See #118706 Not forget to add your Nostr npub at your settings page.
Good Morning and enjoy the day in the Bitcoin World
Reading through and Cleaning out my SN bookmarks.