This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Do you have an electrum wallet but lost the encrypted wallet password (and you don't have the seed anymore)? Download kali linux, extract the hash using electrum2john script and try to crack it with john or hashcat.
If you recall parts of the original password, you can use sets like "OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule" and let hashcat generate a password list that can be used to crack the wallet.
Note: This approach won't help if you are looking for a way to recover the passphrase that was used to extend your seed (custom word in electrum)!
My tailscale and LNC are broken! Some bullshit need help
Stop me if you've heard me say this before, but I freaking love SN.
gaining and losing a cowboy hat has become a significant side quest in my life
I think I might have figured out how to get one. Maintaining it might need the same requirements, but I'm not sure. I'll keep testing it out...
Hey gang!!! Happy Tuesday hope you had a good rest yesterday, now it's a new start of the week and let's get things going, I wish you a incredible day filled with success!! Be well and stay frosty!
Testing several nostr "desktop" web clients, (speed) the best so far, but is great as well. Then nostrgram if you want pinterest layout and filter for media.
ya gets my vote, haven't tried nostrgram
My Bitcoin node finally finished syncing yesterday! It took a little over 4 days running umbrel on a raspberry pi 4B, but now it’s done and contributing to the network!
I’m starting to read up on LND and honestly I’m very overwhelmed
I'm still learning every day and my node is over a year old.
I'm busy today revising and cleaning up Indra's codebase, maybe I'll start on the hidden service message formats soon, maybe even today, not really sure, just going over everything again maybe something else will present itself.
Doesn't look like the protocol will be wired into the network stuff by the end of the month, but hopefully it won't be long before we have something we can have a private alpha testnet. Not gonna answer 'wen indra'. Always ASAP!!!
Travel day for the day job. Also, seeking out bitclin accepting businessess and no kyc ATMs in the Knoxville area.
gm everyone
Working on today:
  • Messing with nostr
  • Ongoing accounting tools for shitcoinery (I know, I know)
  • Looking for other meaningful labour
I would like to remind everyone to take at least 5-15 minutes today to practice mindfulness. Breathing / body / take your pick of exercise. Have a great day!
Exciting! What are you working on re: nostr?
And i m very sad once again of what they are doing to us!!!
let s develop/spread BTC for the world , for the human kind
One of the most meddlesome, evil men on the planet having a voice like Kermit the frog... it's a great piece of cosmic humour.