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When I run into crazies (think scientologists, SJWs, nazis...) I tend to reflect and think – are we, in our bubble, crazy to think that bitcoin might succeed on a global scale?
My simple heuristic is asking a question "is this belief based on forcing others to do something?" If yes, it is not a good belief to have.
This eliminates groups like SJW, nazis... but still leaves, e.g., scientologists.
We know that Bitcoin is great but how do we make sure we are not the crazy ones?
I have similar thoughts. After experiencing worldwide covid hysteria, the US bombing nordstream to harm its supposed NATO allies, and the intentional impoverishment of most of the world by deliberate currency debasement, I don't worry so much about my own sanity.
Good point
how do we make sure we are not the crazy ones?
Just give me all your sats and you will find out. I am crazier than any other bitcoin user ever existed. Ah and don't forget about... HFSP
Dude, trust me, I am not HFSP material. :) I’ve been into Bitcoin for over 10 years. But still trying to stay humble and reflect on stuff.
So in all these 10 years you were rambling around and still don't know too much about bitcoin. You were focused on other stuff maybe.
No need to attack folks here. Bad day maybe?
Why people nowadays feel "attacked" when somebody tell them the truth in the face? Snowflake much?
Entertain me. What profound truths have you shared here? You said:
  • that I should give you my sats
  • that I should HFSP
  • that I was rambling around
  • that I don’t know much about bitcoin
All things directly targeted at me. However, you do not know me at all.
No snowflake here but I will call out BS when I see it.
Anyway, keep on going. Others will be the judges of who is the reasonable one in this thread.
Whats really crazy is people who are financially literate and still choose Fiat over learning about Bitcoin
The power of the status quo can't be underestimated. So many people who think we need inflation for economy to function... It is mind-boggling.
only crazy people are absolutely convinced that they aren't crazy.
I think that in the long run Bitcoin or something spawned from it will succeed, and yes, that might mean I am crazy.
I very much believe that both of those things as well.
We can’t be sure of anything but we can definitely work towards making the world a better place!
As said by Steve Jobs: "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes ... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo..."
Great quote. Some adman wrote that, not Jobs. I couldn't stand him and his black turtlenecks, but he was a marketing genius.
oh lord how did I not know that it wasn't actually a Steve Jobs quote lmaoo, thanks for pointing that out.
Me neither! But such a good quote.
Here are my two sats. Bitcoin will not be forced on anybody. You can decide to use it or to leave it at your own will. This is what separates it from your examples. All of the above depend on a society as a whole adopting their ideals whereas bitcoin functions quite well without a big majority even knowing of it properly.
Being crazy for good is the only way to make the world a better place. Bitcoin is designed to make me "crazy" enough to get rid of the immoral fiat system.
SJWs and Nazis are the same thing. It's why they call everyone else Nazi's. All they do is project themselves and accuse others of what they are doing themselves.
So true.
The concept of money is crazy in it’s self. It’s a made up societal agreement for placeholders of value so barter is more efficient. It’s all just a game and we choose to play the Bitcoin game because it’s rules are controlled by it’s participants and not by unelected elites.
биткоин открывает глаза ... дает перспективу развития всей планете... например... я продаю новую технологию за биткоин... а значит тебе не удается напечатать и купить это... получается ты не правишь миром.... допустим есть квантовый телепорт... в одних руках это супер инструмент если у всех это просто технология или инструмент... запусти биткоин без блок чейна...