This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Recovering from Covid. This is the 2nd time I got it - 1st time was way more aggressive though, this time around it was more like a light flu infection.
Looks like the Bitcoin Magazine app upped the minimum withdraw to a Lightning wallet to 2,500 sats. Oh how I'll look back on the wait for 500 sat minimums as fast.
No shit? Wow that’s a big increase
250 sats a week flash codes, that's ten weeks just in those to withdraw. I'm sure they've got plans. We shall see how it plays out.
seeing lots more posts and comments on stacker news getting thousands of sats these days… nice to see more people slinging more sats for great content
Fountain podcasts, trying out yalls, and time with family.
Wait, SN has a podcast on fountain?!
As a law abiding citizen just Performed my civic responsibilities by voting in the Nigeria general elections. Self monitoring the elections discovered these politicians can't by votes with Satoshi's or Bitcoins.
Can you offer first hand experience about the cash clawback and all related issues going on in your country right now?
Well, according to Nigerian government the cash claw back was to take place after redesign of the naira notes. The redesign of the naira notes was basically for 2 reasons: 1. To reduce corruption and 2. To prevent politicians from using cash to influence the 2023 Nigeria general elections which would take place on the 25th Feb.
Unfortunately after the cash claw back (about 1.5 trillion naira) by the nation's population which was still ongoing, only about few billion of naira was redistributed to the population, this led to closure of financial institutions, businesses, fuel scarcity, limited cash transfer (digitally) and delay of cash transfer from one person to another since it is centralized, people not going to work etc.
Shocking this shortage of cash flow was because politicians bought the new naira notes from these financial institutions i.e a million naira been bought @ 2 million or 1.5 million naira. For the common man you could get a 1.k naira @ 1.5k naira which depends on your negotiation with the money vendors. Since there was shortage of cash flow which led to hunger and stunted the activities of the average Nigerians, Politicians now were using the new naira notes to buy their votes from the most vulnerable population.
Although some politicians were not successful since they were caught by economic crime agencies.
Just gave you a bit of the situation I can't really be so detailed. Writing an article which I will share the link here.
Listening my podcast show in Fountain and writing stuff while I check Stacker for something new. What a lovely day sirs
Recently, I added the Blockstream block explorer to my project and pushed it to GitHub. You can check it out at
Hi people!!! Coffee is just brewed and I'm ready for the surprises this Saturday might bring, BTC is holding so let's see if it breaks support then it will be a good rise, but it's the weekend so just relax and enjoy it. I wish you a phenomenal Saturday filled with success and lots of love. Be well my friends and stay frosty.
Cold has returned to the northeast U.S. .23 degrees Fahrenheit on Long Island, New York this morning.
Move South, Not only will you be warmer, but also you will have more freedom, less taxes, and other benefits.
Just here for the weekend. I am from NY and I'm well aware of the downsides. It's where I was born and where my family mostly still live. So I can't break all ties. There's also a tiny part of me that still has hope that someday things might change.
что такоие информационная битва? говорить всем а поверят некоторые... биткоин говорит всем... причина в ЛЮДЯХ???