As usual, nice newsletter!
In regards of using LN addresses on / for nostr or any other place, I would like to add something so other noobs will understand how is going.
LN address (LNURL) is nothing than a simple http request of a LN invoice from a LN node. Let's keep in mind some aspects:
  • If you use a LN address for public donations, zaps etc, is better to not link it directly to your private domain and/or node or wallet. Is much better to use a custodial service (especially if is not KYC and you can create an anonymous account).
  • if you still want to use a federated server for LN address is good, but keep in mind that still reveal your final node destination / IP. If you use a Tor onion link to this LN address is OK.
I usually have 2 types of LN addresses:
  • public = using many custodial services and once there's a good amount of sats accumulated I just fw to my private wallets (eventually making a swap to onchain). It is nothing wrong to use a custodial for a LN address, is much better to hide the real final destination.
  • private = using a self hosted LN address server or a federated one connected to my node (like this one indicated, are many other more). But these private ones I use them exclusively for private stuff, not published on nostr or other places to receive public donations.
Is better to learn how to take advantages of public custodial services. If are not KYC and you know how to deal with them are a good opsec. And yes, never keep there too much sats. Are just temporary decoys.
I think nowadays people still don't know to make the real difference between what is private and what is public.
Thank you for adding this! You're right, not everyone is aware of how Lightning addresses work and what are the tradeoffs.
Like Toni states in his note, custodial solutions can be deemed acceptable for small amounts, but as Anita highlights, "small" doesn't have the same meaning for everyone.
That's why I'm really looking forward Path Blinding. We can even consider it alone, without Bolt 12. With Path Blinding, you could display a Lightning Address, use it to receive payments in a self-sovereign way, and still not reveal what your node is.