Just copying a normal business and accepting bitcoin instead of fiat doesn't really work. Using bitcoin normally limits your customer base by 1000x so you need to be able to do something no one else can.
Indeed, Bitcoin is changing completely all the systems we are used to have in fiat world. Trying to adapt Bitcoin to existing systems will not work. Businesses should try to adapt their models to Bitcoin.
Some of these businesses though are really bitcoin businesses with fiat backing it. That’s the deal with Fiverr. It would be better for freelancers to be paid in Bitcoin. It’s a pure value for value business model.
It depends on the scale of the business. What Nostr is showing me is that you can find clients that are interested in paying via Lightning. Just take a look at the zap counts.
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Yes, for the individual it is great, but building a business on relying on those people doesn't really work.
I am thinking about how you can use Bitcoin payments as leverage in the services sector. Basic example: Say market rate is $25/hour for house cleaning services. I offer the service for $20/hour payable in Bitcoin thus undercutting the competition and potentially driving more business.
Definitely a barrier with the old boomer crowd, which in this instance might be a customer base you are missing out on but you could also easily accept fiat as well but charge standard rates for fiat payments.
This was just a crude example but there are many small service businesses where offering discounted pricing for bitcoin could actually be used to expand customer base.
"So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak." -Sun Tzu