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I’m learning and educating other. DCA’ing daily through direct purchases, credit card use, debit card use, and podcasting!
I DCA on a daily basis.
Also, I'm now at 9 people that I know of that are DCAing a little each week. A couple of them as little as $10. I do mention I like Bitcoin whenever I can and say nothing else unless someone inquires. I'd say at best 1 in 10-12 asks more about it.
I'm in Canada and have got a few more people to get sats back on purchases using Shakepay so there is that as well.
Just trying to get my network to suck up as many sats as possible.
Showing them how lightning payment works and even tiping for services via WoS after they download the app
Nice work everyone, keep it up!
I'm using bitcoin for the goal it was initially created for.
Occasionally asking if the shop I happen to be in accepts Bitcoin for payment. Or filling out experience surveys with someone that references how nice it would have been to pay with Bitcoin.
we are aiming to summarize timeless, high quality Bitcoin content into the short constraint of 2 minutes (476 words).
we hope this makes the gold more accessible and nicely indexed so that any newcomer doesn't feel overwhelmed from having to read days worth of content to hope to understand bitcoin.
our project allows them to understand the things at a shallow level, and provides them with references were they to want to dive deeper
Calling out shitcoiners on SN.
Bringing family and close friends in through education.
I am spreading information about hyperbitcoinization: https://h17n.com/
Whenever my gf owes me money I keep telling her « i don’t accept EUR ». It was annoying her at first but know she really likes the game and buys BTC regularly so she’s ready!
The above aside, when I orange pill someone, I try to make it real easy on them. Advise they install Relai App (very easy onboarding, relatively low fees & light KYC), explain how a BTC wallet works and stress that « no you don’t have to buy a full bitcoin at once ». At this point, to illustrate, I send them their first sats, (from experience, a tangible transaction tends to stick more). Before they know it, they’ve stacked their first fraction of a BTC through Relai. Once that’s done, I go on explaining all the things they cannot do with a regular bank (fees & delays for sending money to a friend abroad, having to wait for Mon morning to call your banker if you want to send more money than your threshold allows on a saturday evening -and having to explain why etc.) And I usually end with an « inflation » lecture, relatively effective these days. If at this point I see they’re still interested we go on a talk about cold storage.
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