This is a serious accusation...
Yes, I am serious. Is a scam because is fooling people into believing that Bitkit is a real LN app and in fact is not, is just a trap to push them into other shit (see the screenshot posted). Literally said: Onchain Bitcoin and slashtags features. Nothing else.
If they really want to be an slashtag app, so be it, but don't present Bitkit as a LN app, when is NOT, it just pretending. At least say it from the beginning: we are focusing only onchain and slashtags not on LN.
That is the alarm signal that I wanted to point out: they lie their users. For me personally, I don't give a shit what Bitkit want to achieve. The only thing I want is more people to use Bitcoin and LN. And that's why I test all available apps, to be well informed and be able to offer the right solution for each use case people are asking me for advice.