With splits and scrubs LNbits offered the possibility to share and forward funds across LN wallets based on a wallet-id to the same instance. Very cool already! But now @dni took it to the next level after users kept asking for some features around it for a long time. Last week also @Gigi gave it a shack with his blogpost about prisms.
If you are using a LN wallet for your shop but would like your funds to end up in another wallet you can forward those with the scrub extension automatically.
This is very powerful together with the split extension. Lets say a group of waiters get V4V tips to a common wallet, these payments can be splitted immediately when they enter the wallet to separate wallets. From there each could install the scrub extension and auto-forward it immediately to another wallet (wallet-id, LNURLp, LNaddress or invoice-key) of each one of your group.
Also you could forward it with the Deezy or Boltz extension as onchain btc to e.g. a hardware-wallet, when a certain amount is met, see bulletpoint before this one.
  • If you split to a LNURLp or LNaddress through the LNURLp extension make sure you allow comments ! Split adds a comment as well as scrub in your transaction - and if it is not allowed the split/scrub will not take place.
  • Please notice that you should not split to 100% if you send to a wallet that is external (leave 1-2% reserve for routing fees!). This applies for the split as well as for the scrubbing wallet !
See this guide for a long description on how Lightning Prisms work.
Have a look at the LNbits wiki to read more facts and usecases for LNbits´ Extensions !
Well done!
If until now were used those Panama and Cayman Island banks, with shitcoins fiat, now we have a new player in town.
Banksters can't even imagine how easy, cheap and fast you can spread a payment all around the world in matter of seconds, without trace. Bye bye banksters...
This is an incredible achievement for BTC/LN.
comes into my collections of the most awesome innovations this year ! So small yet so powerful :D
Indeed. This extension change for many could look like nothing burger, but if you think a bit about the multiple applications it can be used you realize how powerful it is. Including for adding privacy.
Example: I setup a lnbits on a vps. I setup another one on my home node or whatever other cloud server, it doesn't really matter where is located. I can even connect them using Tor or Tailscale.
Then setup public LNURL that behind will have a split formula in multiple parts. Nobody will know or could find out where are actually going those sats.
Also the posibility of changing the funding source for LNbits could create endless scenarios.
Very powerful extension!
Amazing Keep the innovation coming.
I'm using raspiblitz, and would like to run last version of lnbits and mempool, should I download last version package or wait for a new image ?
I suggest to run a lnbits instance out of your blitz. Could be run very easily on any other PC with linux. Then point its funding source to your node, can be LAN IP, tor or tailscale or clearnet. It doesn't really matter.
Yup, I know it's optimal. Tho I just use raspiblitz on rpi for sending transactions, only three channels, no routing, so I'm stable and I don't want to dedicate one ressource for LNbits. I'll just wait until next image so no bugs
Yeah is OK. Anyways, you have the option now to update an extension, without need to update the whole LNbits docker repo in your blitz. It's exactly like a Wordpress, you just have to go and update the part you want / need.
Go to "Manage extensions" section and click on the extension you want to update and select the latest version. Done. But not sure if this update for split extension is already released.