Gov previously tried to ban the export of cryptographic tech because they considered it weapons. Law decided differently. I think this Jason guy wants it classified as a weapon again.
Guess what, cryptography is still regulated when it comes to "exporting" it. If you sell a product that has encryption in the US you must abide by export compliance laws.
not a fan of his framing,
I love how passionate Jason is on this topic, and a lot of his arguments make sense, but I just don't see how these crusty freedom hating warmongers would ever embrace Bitcoin. Even if Russia and China put all of their resources behind it.
the spaceboi is a gov sus
"gov sus" of course anyone working for the government is sus, but isn't it possible that some in government have goals in line with ours?
But if it's just rotten to the core, then we should be trying to turn/recruit people like "spaceboi", not necessarily fight against him.
Interesting. Plus, USSF wouldn't necessarily say they were using the research or implementing the practice.