This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Much love stackers. Happy Easter. Keep them utxo sets in order.
It's nice to be here, SN looks amazing!
Stack sats. Stay humble.
I just got back into Bitcoin.
Realized that BTC is the best shot at getting humans into crypto.
An interesting side-effect is that I feel happier now.
I lost my cowboy hat yesterday. Dang had a nice streak going
Thought I'll never witness this date lol
More motivation for everyone else to keep their streaks up!
Looks like you weren't alone in the top 10... moved up 2 spots! 😂
Also random but noticed @kr isn't on the leaderboard when I think he'd be tied for first...
haha i turned on privacy mode a while back so my name is hidden from the leaderboard
I found my first post on Nostr from 2021...
A typical day. Cleaned laptop and replaced thermal paste.
Replacing thermal paste is so satisfying
Happy Easter for those that celebrate. Off to hunt for eggs and eat turkey.
Quick question: Do I have to remember what BIP number/version my wallet is?
Is it possible recreating a wallet from my 24 words is going to be really hard without the exact same tech since other wallets use different crypto with the same 24 words resulting in wrong key pair???🙄🙄
Currently orange pilling Spanish-speaking normies with #21DiasDeBitcoin
Good Sunday morning everyone!! Hope you're doing phenomenal this glorious day, just brewed myself some hot java and perhaps I'll do some reading, starting reading Atomic Habits and I do recommend it. It's a great book. I wish you all nothing but the absolute best and I wanted to tell you that You are important, we are all together in this sh$show let's make the best of it. Smile to a stranger or make someone laugh, it will be beneficial for both. Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
Happy Easter, He is risen!
Today is all about gratitude, grace, and family. Happy Easter!
Stack sats. Stay humble.
I m testing natural fertilizers for my plants:
-Water and banana (2 liter of water with a banana skin infused for 48hours) for orchidea and other plants... -Egg Shell (dry and then crush) for all my plants
I had an organic vegetable garden for years. I would put a whole egg in the hole I dug at planting for the tomato plants and that usually was sufficient for the season, provided I had plenty of organic compost mulch tilled into the soil. I don't recall the other concoctions I used.
I got lazy and returned to miracle grow a few years back. Good luck
I got lazy and returned to miracle grow a few years back.
miracle grow ????
Thks for the support :)
Sounds interesting.
How are you testing the fertilizers?
Just use and see if the plants will show or won't show signs of missing nutrition after some time?
i ve orchidea that does not florished so much so i start to dig it in the internet. And i found that one of the solution is water+banana skin ...
Also i ve a citrus where the leaves are turning to yellow and this could come from a lack of calcium (where you can find it eggs)