I m testing natural fertilizers for my plants:
-Water and banana (2 liter of water with a banana skin infused for 48hours) for orchidea and other plants... -Egg Shell (dry and then crush) for all my plants
I had an organic vegetable garden for years. I would put a whole egg in the hole I dug at planting for the tomato plants and that usually was sufficient for the season, provided I had plenty of organic compost mulch tilled into the soil. I don't recall the other concoctions I used.
I got lazy and returned to miracle grow a few years back. Good luck
I got lazy and returned to miracle grow a few years back.
miracle grow ????
Thks for the support :)
Sounds interesting.
How are you testing the fertilizers?
Just use and see if the plants will show or won't show signs of missing nutrition after some time?
i ve orchidea that does not florished so much so i start to dig it in the internet. And i found that one of the solution is water+banana skin ...
Also i ve a citrus where the leaves are turning to yellow and this could come from a lack of calcium (where you can find it eggs)