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I'm trying to find out how many main net nodes LightSpark runs, which lightning implementation(s) they are using, and what their pubkey(s) are.
One way to get a head start on this is if you can find a BOLT11 generated by a LightSpark customer you can unwrap it to find the pubkey using a tool like https://lightningdecoder.com/
LightSpark provides some info about their nodes in the API documentation here: https://app.lightspark.com/docs/api
I couldn't find the pubkeys myself though, so I thought I would crowdsource this one. Cheers!
25,000 sats paid
launchwindow's bounties
ive heard they’re running a custom LDK implementation; source the rumor mill
What if the answer is none?
Well that's certainly an interesting proposition that I hadn't considered. If they aren't running their own infrastructure, surely they must be using someone else's?
There has to be an actual node somewhere that the API connects to, right? Otherwise how could they receive or route payments?
I would be more than willing to award the bounty if it can be shown whose infrastructure they are using, if not their own.
I was more alluding to it not being on mainnet yet and it being fake.
No expiration date on bounty!
I'd suggest we get someone that has a coinbase from a region that supports lightning (through lightspark). They just need to generate an invoice and paste it here. Anyone you know with a coinbase account from the US for example (and not in NY state)?
I'm not sure if this will be particularly helpful to you (I don't think it meets the criteria of the bounty). But short of jumping through Lightspark's KYC requirements the most likely candidate I could find is https://1ml.com/node/039174f846626c6053ba80f5443d0db33da384f1dde135bf7080ba1eec465019c3
It's connected to the xapo node, and has fairly large amounts of capacity for an unknown node (14 BTC, ~$421,000). Both the xapo node and this mystery node show the same location (Boardman, Oregon). Looking up the ip address ranges using Amazon's AWS IP ranges also points to them being part of the same datacenter (us-west-2), so it's likely they're both administrated together (presumably by Lightspark).
Another node that appeared around the same time (5 months ago) is this one: https://1ml.com/node/02a98e8c590a1b5602049d6b21d8f4c8861970aa310762f42eae1b2be88372e924, also in Boardman, with 12+BTC of capacity that's also linked to Xapo.
Congrats on winning the bounty, thank you for your help!
Thanks! Apologies I couldn't be of more help, I had no way of passing their KYC requirements otherwise I would have tried obtaining a mainnet invoice
Doesn't seem bulletproof, but this is certainly interesting.
If nobody posts something more convincing than this in the next 24 hours I'll award the bounty to you.
Thank you!
Search "light spark"
Could be any of those, also shows inactive nodes.
They are connected with xapo bank I saw and I found their node. https://1ml.com/node/022f26c1d30d72042243823fb6b4e2845c48ed5de1d89c65aff9783fcd64e808c0
Is there any node you found named "light spark" which is also connected to xapo?
I can't seem to find it, maybe I'm blind?
the distinction between testnet and mainnet is becoming increasingly blurred in the blockchain industry, as more projects are opting for hybrid approaches that allow for continuous testing and deployment on the mainnet. This not only ensures a smoother transition from testing to production, but also enables faster iteration and innovation...
I know LightSpark has a regtest and/or testnet implementation running in parallel based ont heir API documentation, but for my research purposes I want to be able to do analytics on their main net nodes.
Why? What is the purpose of finding this info? For sure they are using several decoy nodes linked to private nodes and channels to specific LSP gateways. This is the usual setup for a public commercial node. You don't just put a public node and name it as your business. Otherwise all shity Pi nodes will start opening shity channels to you and fucked up your whole business.
River and Bitfinex are both public iirc.
Based on what, other than having "Light" in the name?
Just to be clear, to claim the bounty you need to provide a pubkey and some sort of verifiable proof that the pubkey in question belongs to LightSpark.
If you feel that this criteria for the bounty is unfair or should be modified, let me know!
Can you hook me up with the bounty since I'm the only one that gave you any leads? I could actually really use it to put towards my savings to open my first ln channel with a 1m sat capacity. I'm about 85% to the goalm
No, I searched 1ml, amboss, and mempool myself before posting here, it was the first thing I did. I was pretty specific that to qualify for the bounty I need a pubkey or some other verifiable pointer to satisfy the requirement.
I'll send you a few sats to support growing your channels though, congrats on that!
But I found their only. Partner bank's node for. You and I guarantee one of their connections is lightsparks