Your insights on war are really interesting 🙏🏻
I disagree on big pharma however, big pharma are the good guy ls and save millions of lives every day. I feel like you fell for a leftist/communist conspiracy theory 😐
Bitcoin vs War - must watch debate with Stephan Molyneux.
big pharma are the good guy ls and save millions of lives every day
I don't know who is the conspiratorial now, me or you... or good luck surviving from what they put in your body.
I don't know who is the conspiratorial now, me or you... or good luck surviving from what they put in your body.
Are you serious rn? 😂🧐
I understand being a contrarian. I understand the false feeling of self importance from being an edgelord..
I understand all this but are you actually actually 4real 4real denying that modern medicine saves millions of lives? 😂😂 Wtf, come on dude
Have fun being killed by big pharma. I will simply live 150 years and laugh at your grave. Do you really think I lived 53 years with big-pharma? No man, without any bullshit, only good food and good life. Never took their POISON.
Idk man, you sound really emotional here. "emotional" instead of "fact based argument".
I just have to wonder: have you ever wondered about being too deep into a permanently online echochamber?
There is a fine line between just strong opinions & actually not sane things. Have you ever wondered if the people you listened too for stuff like this have crossed the line? 🙄
Do I have to listen to random people, to see that NOT taking anything from big-pharma is getting me healthy? I need somebody to tell me that I am healthy? Or I can just look at me and what am I eating?
Look, if you want to commit suicide, is your choice. I am not here to change your (manipulated) mentality. But don't come to me saying that funding big-pharma will make me healthy. It's a blatant lie. I simply reject that IDIOCY, I live my life how I want, without paying them to kill me.
This is what those fuckers big-pharma that you kiss their ass were doing...