This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Discovered the /r/chatgpt subreddit...
Interesting to see more stories of job/career losses start to trickle in... When 1 person can now do the work of many, the future market for many white collar jobs is going to be very interesting...
Today I'm going to see a Monty Python movie😁
Which one? 😮
The movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." It's from 1975 but it's great🤣
The longer it takes for the economic crash to occur, the worse things will be for everyone. We are already 3 years beyond the average range between crashes (7-11 years), so this crash will be worse than usual.
Some friends making my weekend worth while out here.... When can we start getting drinks with SATs... 😁
Hello hello hello, Saturday is here and the whales might do some havoc but just hodl and dca your bitcoins, just make sure you take profits and just relax. Anyways, today looks promising and full of possibilities so let's take advantage of that, after all, we are masters of our universe. So I wish you an incredible weekend and may you find that peace of mind, that goal you've been working for, that eureka moment. Cease it, it's yours by right. Be well my friend and stay frosty.
Bitcoin podcasts and stacking sats by shopping with my sat rewards credit card!
Hello bitcoiners and the wider internet! May the day treat us well, and we feel peace and fulfillment!
Day 21 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Working on a NIP for prediction markets. Betting will be optional to make it accessible and easy to get a MVP out there. I first thought about using HODL invoices for the betting part, but now I hope that I can use lightning zaps (NIP-57) for the foundation. Pretty exciting to be a part of the NIP process and potentially implement the first prediction market running on nostr :)
I got up early to watch the coronation. Ha! Only kidding.
Was watching it, but it is so sickening. Turned it off.