Phoenix, Breez, Nayuta are LN dedicated wallets. Are not supposed to be used for onchain txs. Swaps they provide are not meant to be used so often or in these strange situations we are today with these fucking ordinals.
Phoenix should be treated as LN wallet only. The onchain feature is dedicated only to open channels on the fly and when is needed, to refill drained channels.
Blixt, OBW, Electrum have better control over onchain wallet and txs. OBW for example have RBF, batch txs and other features for onchain. Electrum also is powerful for onchain rxs and also including swaps with LN.
I explained all features of these wallets in my guides. Also I explained that choosing a LN wallet is a very important task and also do not use just one. I suggested also to use external submarine swaps, where you can control better the fees and the swap, so your tx couldn't get stuck for mistakes.
I use Phoenix too, but I do not use too much the swap feature. My sats are spread in many wallets so whenever is needed, I can choose the one that have enough sats and for each situation. Here I explained how I use Phoenix
As always, the highest quality of responses. Once the wounds heal I'll move on to bigger and better things, thanks to your help.
Thanks. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to move totally from Phoenix. Phoenix is not a bad app. Just that is limited in some situations. Just use it in specific situations.
Bitcoin is not perfect today, but still we have a lot of apps that could help us in specific situations.
We will never have a "perfect app" that will do all perfectly designed. We just need to adapt to each situation and know how to use many apps.