This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Securities are just as important as money. Most will be worthless and even scams. But as a funding model it is unparalleled. In a free market ancap securities will be a big motivating factor to be productive. You can argue shitcoins populairty is just a result of how stigmatized real work is these days.
Got some proof of work done today. Also proof of broken legs…
I just made a nostr bot that scrapes a news page and posts to Nestr - just a fun project to get my feet wet.
How are we going to solve the impersonation problem esp with bots?
Rainy day. Was planning to take the kiddos to the waterfront but I guess we will do that tomorrow instead. Do a workout, watch some baseball, ponder when the mempool will clear.
Bitcoin Brunch #103 in Miami today. Last week was pretty low key, compared to the month prior, perhaps the calm before the storm of conference time. The brunch on the Sundays before and after the Miami bitcoin conference tend to bring out a lot of people, including many out-of-towners who I may only see during conference time. Related to that, I updated the Bitcoin Vortex site with all the locally organized events happening during "bitcoin week". The South Florida Bitcoin community have seven, mostly free events planned, starting the Saturday before the conference until the Monday after the conference. And I reserve the right to add more events as necessary!
Spammers are throwing a fortune at miners on the L1 while we buy coffee on the L2 and say "Oh are those young rascals trying to destroy the network again?" ☕️
I don’t know who’s worse at destroying America Dr. Fauci or Warren Buffett. Clear examples of this fiat world gone mad
What are you up to @k00b, cause it's high time someone checks on you, you've done so much for the community... 👍 Man
Day 22 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
I have tried to get an answer to this question a few times on SN without any luck, so I'll give it a shot here. For anyone who uses Swan's auto withdraw function, doesn't it bother you that you must use the same address to withdraw to if you choose to fully automate your withdrawals? Is there a work around?
Does it matter if you always withdraw to the same address or withdraw to a new address each time? Swan has a full record of all your withdrawals and all the addresses associated with the withdraws anyways. If you want privacy, get your coins from non-KYC sources; earn coins from work / selling items or buy coins from p2p non-KYC exchanges. Saying you want privacy while using a full KYC service is just full on LARPing…
as long as you have to give them the address I don't see any practical difference between a single address and a different one every time. Swan knows you. If you wanted to obscure your identity perhaps that address they send to could be a coin mix of some sort, which then allows you to spend those withdrawals from a coin-join.
Yeah you can just use an xpub but for privacy that isn’t the best as all your addresses will be Doxx to Swan and prime trust.
I started off with address reuse then I loaded an xpub but I deleted that and now I just do manual withdrawals with a fresh address every time the utxo is a good size
Some wallets allow you to create multiple xpubs and each uses a different derivation path I assume.
That's exactly what I do now. I guess it's a good enough solution.
According to this blog post they also allow you to list multiple addresses.
They don't support xpubs?