So wait, a custodial exchange is advocating custodial bitcoin at a time when there is less bitcoin on exchanges than ever before?
This is a shocker.
The reason we asked Swan if they want to publish is because they understand the importance of self-custody, advocate it relentlessly, but are realists who understand that the journey to self-custody needs education and time. It's only when you actually put in the work to help people understand bitcoin that you understand these things yourself, just like the people at Bitcoin Beach, Bitcoin Jungle, Bitcoin Island... all the places that managed to bootstrap bitcoin circular economies in meatspace with significant network effect in a sustainable way
I'm not hating on Swan. I dca with them myself. I just think the point would have been made more persuasively if the author had no skin in the game.
I've been working on Bitcoin adoption since 2017, way before I joined Galoy. It's not that I think what I wrote because I work for Galoy - I work for Galoy because bitcoin adoption and the separation of money state was the mission I want to work on.