Upon seeing that #17752 is receiving a lot of tips but no answers I thought about an idea that may be interesting for Stacker News mechanics:
Someone tips to a post, but in a way that those tips must be allocated to a future comment. And the comment to which they were allocated is highlighted (maybe parts of the total tipped can be allocated to different comments).
This adds incentive for people with anything important to share to add insightful comments while allowing people to "buy" (good) engagement for a specific topic they want to see more discussed.
Also by making someone responsible for actually reading the comments and distributing the money it reduces attack vectors and people gaming the system.
I am keen to see how it will improve engagement, loads of posting going on, very little discussion. I think that post types could also be a good way to increase engagement like polls could be a cool one
Awesome idea! To ensure that good answers are getting paid, the Post could be of type "Question" and the rules would be that Tips must be distributed to answers.
Yep, one could probably design some smartish contract to enforce it
Yeah sometimes is confusing between tips and boosts. I think it should be separated. Boosts for pushing the post on top for more visibility and tips to be aside, just as an appreciation or reward. My intention was also to redistribute the tips I received for that post to best answers.
Interesting idea, kinda going the stack overflow or Quora way...
Definitely worth exploring in my opinion. I wrote down some thoughts on this in https://posts/2022/03/21/stack-overflow-in-bitcoin-world.html
Bad link
Interesting idea!
People can obviously commit to such bounties now, having received all the tips, but it'd be nice to have it enforced.
The difficult case is what to do if no one contributes a comment that's selected. They could
  1. sacrifice the tips to SN to be redistributed
  2. or it gets evenly distributed to all the commenters (although that incentivizes poor content)
The other trickiness is the UX of choosing and communicating this contract ... perhaps though it could be the default on any Ask SN.
1 is fine, but there is also
  1. Revert all the tips.