I wouldn't put corn in a 2 of 2 multisig where I only have one of the keys, unless it's something with a timelock like a lightning channel. It would be silly to lose my entire stash just because the other owner died or went crazy.
And I wouldn't entrust my corn to a lawyer, that's not self-custody as it introduces counterparty risk. It can work in the fiat world where a rogue lawyer colluding with a rogue wife could have their funds seized and clawed back from, but lawyers and custodianship don't mix with a strictly rules-based system like Bitcoin.
good critique, though I imagine their are prenup/multisig options that can somewhat mitigate this concern about a colluding lawyer.
It's simple!) she keeps her key but you know the address and you keep yours and she knows the address) and the balances are the same) it works))) In any situation, she decides for herself what to do!) but if you need to solve a family issue, then you just discount to one address to buy Auto!) for example. everything is simple as 3+3
It's simple!) she keeps her key but you know the address and you keep yours and she knows the address) and the balances are the same) it works))) In any situation, she decides for herself what to do!) but if you need to solve a family issue, then you just discount to one address to buy Auto!) for example. everything is simple as 3+3