Most force closes happen because your peer (or you) becomes unresponsive while an HTLC is in flight. This HTLC then has to be 'settled', meaning the channel gets force closed. This can be very annoying, especially if the HTLC is too small (e.g. below the dust limit) to get its own output. In those cases, the HTLC in flight is donated to miners. There are a few proposals on how to improve on this, but generally such a mechanism should exist, or else your peers can just "steal" such small HTLCs.
So an increased CLTV delta could avoid this? LND has by default 40 CLN has 34 Eclair 144 Those numbers means number of blocks until a HTLC can expire (if I remember correctly). So would be indicated that peers should have same CLTV on both sides, even if they use different LN implementations? Why each implementation have its own default CLTV? Why we can't have something unique general for all? Are we going to be like with the mobile chargers connectors?