This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Everyone thinks he or she is late when they come into Bitcoin. Humbly, how many stacked SATs are enough to retire ?
Day 2 of mathematics of Transformers. At an old job we were trying to quickly hack together some products around the time the BERT model came out, and I was always annoyed no one on the team was bothering to "look under the hood".
AI is so interesting to me, particularly around NLP and the implications of theory of mind that I am now considering specializing in NLP
implications of theory of mind
Can you expand on that?, I know this is something that humans are not born with, and they develop only after a couple of years. Also, in some people with autism it seems that they don't fully develop theory of mind.
What would be the implications that you are mentioning?, I'm really curious to know.
Trying to figure out if Sam Altman is honestly deeply concerned about AI or wants to go the path of preventing competition by asking for more regulations which only big companies like OpenAI can comply with.
Probably both are true but which cause does more regulation help more?
Sam Altman strikes me as a non-organic figure assigned a role, i.e. what the schizo internet would call a "glowboy". The same with his employees who actively advocate for taking AI away from everyone else, even if it means killing every last Russian and Chinese person. Insane, politically motivated capture of an entire industry on behalf of western MIC. Insane.
I see, a fellow Terry A. Davis fan and I know what you actually wanted to write, haha
And thanks for your thoughts about him and OpenAI in general!
LMAO I didn't realize one guy was responsible for the term "glowie", RIP Terry A. Davis
I think it's the latter. I think (I don't know) Sam Altman is power hungry and dangerous.
I listened to a YC podcast a long time ago where the interviewer asked a successful Bay Area insider, "who is the most ambitious person you know?"
They answered Sam Altman. Given his work on WorldCoin and the AI license stuff, I'm beginning to think he's mostly ambitious in the power seeking way and not the make the world a better place way.
I've recently found out about the concept of "Flash fiction", or "minimalist fiction", they basically try to convey an emotion with very few words.
Some examples:
  • "For sale: baby shoes, never worn"
  • "All he left behind were memories"
  • "She smiled. They cried. Life changed."
  • "Whispered goodbye. Silent tears. Forever missed."
  • "Faded photos. Forgotten memories. Love remembered."
It's interesting how much you can tell by only using 6 words.
No you're crying
Happy Sunday friends. Putting together a backyard swing today. Should be a fun project.
Day 36 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Catching up on my @kr podcasts. Waiting for SNL to drop that new hotness
I always enjoy so much of your work Kevin and I have yet to listen to your podcast. I need to rectify that asap. Appreciate what you are doing man.
thank you! 🙏🏻