Energy exists, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It is merely converted.
Some is lost in the form of heat.
Money is energy. The entirety of the cost of a good or service is its energy component. The cost in energy to mine, produce, manufacture, transport. The cost of energy put it to an hour's labour, the energy used to create the tools needed for that job, the energy put into the design of those tools.
₿itcoin is monetized energy.
It is not unlike a battery. It is a store of value, energy, which can be drawn upon later, converted.
₿itcoin is a perfect battery.
Unlike gold and silver which have industrial purposes as well as being formed into jewellery, ₿itcoin serves no other purpose than money (a medium of exchange which is easily divisible, a store of value as it's hard to create).
₿itcoin is the perfect money.
In fact, all ₿itcoin has been created, it is merely issued into circulation at a predetermined rate, in exchange for energy, Proof of Work.
Some is lost in the form of human error.
₿itcoin exists, it can neither be created nor destroyed.
₿itcoin cannot be destroyed.
All these sounds very nice and correct, but I have 2 questions for you:
  1. Will you use your BTC as collateral for loan of so called "stablecoins" to use them as money?
  2. Will you accept CBDC if your employer / clients will want to pay you with ?
What would you do with your BTC?
Excellent questions.
There's so much to unpack there.
  1. Not if there's a credit-free alternative. The problem is credit. Credit is how we got to where we are now. If we take a hard look at what credit is, borrowing value from the future for use today, it is clear that we need to fix or move away from a credit-based system, otherwise the future could arguably depreciate or be robbed of its value.
Yes, credit is used to build things of value, but if no energy is created or destroyed in the universe, that credit, assuming there's an interest component like every dollar in existence today, is just false energy added into our finite energy system.
Maybe a bright orange future has no credit system. Perhaps sats are crowd sourced willingly, similar to a voting system.
"We sure would like to mine that asteroid, but it would cost a great deal of sats to achieve that." Earth's population funds company X ₿20,000 for the project.
Developer wants to tear down suburban homes to build an amusement park. Project falls short and doesn't go ahead.
Major tangent, I know, and much of the above is pure speculation which assumes a perfect world. Perhaps a perfect money will eventually lead to a perfect world.
  1. In the near term, we will likely be forced to swallow a CBDC pill in some form or another. Ideally, employers that pay in ₿ will be more prevalent. ₿itcoin is evolving beyond the speculative asset phase toward being a parallel economy.
In short, appear to comply, and, noting the surveillance and limited purchasing abilities that CBDCs are likely to have, transfer that CBDC through intermediary assets to BTC.
That means you still have a long way to the top if you wanna rock'n'roll... you still didn't understand what really is Bitcoin and what will do Bitcoin.
Yes, credit is used to build things of value,
Seems that the keynessian propaganda really twisted your mind. It's ok, soon you will learn how Bitcoin change totally that twisted vision. Value is not coming from credit. Credit brings debt first of all. Hard work brings value, proof of work.
And this is where Bitcoin will change the world. Because Bitcoin teaches you how TO SAVE money, and use them ONLY when you really need it.
In short, appear to comply,
Compliance... so easy to comply. Fine for me, more sats for me.
No, bitcoin/money is not a battery/energy, Saylor is full of shit, and if you want the actual answers about bitcoin, energy, information and entropy, I have expounded upon them here: