Hello Everyone,
I am making a presentation to people that are not Bitcoiners, and also, some of these people can think that Bitcoin is like some of the other cryptocurrencies.
So, Instead of putting my use case of the real usage of Bitcoin, I was thinking of making this post to collect real usage of Bitcoin from the community.
So, Why you are using Bitcoin? and What is your use case?
  • FUCK the banks and govs ( the most important thing)
  • financial sovereignty
  • separation of money from state (making the state obsolete)
  • P2P free market
  • savings technology (don't spend your money on stupid shit) and not falling into forever debt
  • V4V technology
  • borderless payments, universal money wherever you are
More here
I would like to start by saying that a huge thing that makes Bitcoin not like "other cryptocurrencies" is that Bitcoin is a social construct of community design and consensus much like a digital version of the Isle of Yap stones (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rai_stones) whereas "other cryptocurrencies" are created by companies with venture capital funding and complete control over the protocol much more akin to company scrip (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_scrip) or company shares (see comments from SEC chair Gary Gensler) than something a society would one day call money.
To that point, Bitcoin can be about belief and faith at first:
(faith). To explain how this faith in money is not the same faith one might have in religion, I would go back and point out that Bitcoin is a social construct and like the social construct we call "family" although some people believe family can only ever be biological, the idea behind the social construct of family is that family takes care of each other when the members within it are struggling and for that reason other people believe family can be just people who raised you, or even complete strangers as people find a new "family" within their social construct of what a family is even into their adult life.
To come back to your initial curiosity though, saving money is a real use case of money. For other examples, you might look to "bitcoin beach" wherein the use case was to make purchases of local goods for visiting tourists easier.
I just really wanted to drive home the point, that technology is not enough. Technology is not all that makes Bitcoin what it is. The social layer of Bitcoin can not be ignored as it is a huge part of the reason Bitcoin can not just be copied.
I loved reading this, I think I will take it! Thanks
I decided I wasn't going to continue using Paypal after last year, but I'd been using that to pay a tutor (in another country) for music lessons. I tried a few alternatives that were supposed to work in the target country (Revolut and Wise), but my teacher was able to download the app, but was not able to get verified with either system. We were able to make payments work on bitcoin via BlueWallet.
Small Businesses:
Look at the lightning boosts in Podcasting 2.0, which have been a huge boon to content creators recently. A good specific example would be Jupiter Broadcasting, a series of tech podcasts run by @ChrisLAS. If you want a great explanation of how it has helped their small business then listen to this clip from a recent episode that they did.
Beating Inflation:
Savings technology is the biggest use case that individuals will be looking to. Give a good explanation of what inflation is, why it is so damaging, and why Bitcoin fixes it. That one really gets to people.
Libre Finance:
Younger audiences take especially well to this use case. To do finance today, you need ID after ID, form after form, permission after permission. Bitcoin requires absolutely none of that. You can save and transact without needing to jump over hurdles put in place by governments and corporations.

Obviously there are a lot more, but those are good ones off the top of my head.
I think these briefs can be of help
  1. Bitcoin is Permissionless: Traditional currencies and forms of money require permission to use (from banks, financial institutions, governments). Bitcoin requires no permission from anyone and is free and open to use globally. There are no borders or limits with Bitcoin.
  2. Bitcoin is immune to seizure: Nobody can confiscate your Bitcoin since you own it; it's not housed at any central bank or company. You can be your own bank with Bitcoin.
  3. Bitcoin is censorship resistant: Using a computational algorithm called proof-of-work (PoW), no one is able to block or censor your transactions.
  4. Bitcoin is decentralized: The network is distributed globally among many thousands of nodes (computers) and millions of users where you don't have to rely on trusted third-parties. Bitcoin has a limited supply: There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins created, and they’re generated at a predictable rate. Bitcoin is scarce and deflationary. Bitcoin is open source: Anyone can contribute to developing Bitcoin in a myriad of areas including different Bitcoin software clients.
  5. Bitcoin is fast and easy to use: Since Bitcoin is a digital peer-to-peer currency as outlined in the original Satoshi Nakamoto whitepaper, transactions are near-instant. They’re very low-cost too, much less than central payment networks such as PayPal, Visa or Mastercard.
  6. Bitcoin is a push system: With Bitcoin, there is no risk of charge-backs because once Bitcoin is sent, the transaction cannot be reversed. Bitcoin is akin to cash -- once you give someone cash, you cannot get it back.
  7. Bitcoin is real money: Bitcoin is used around the world to pay for things such as coffee, food, electronics, travel, and more. Some even like to call it magical internet money because of all its amazing properties, and its ability to not be double-spent.
  8. Bitcoin provides anonymity: If used correctly, Bitcoin can be used as an anonymous currency free from spying governments. When you use Bitcoin, you don't need to provide your email, name, social security number, or any other identifying information when making peer-to-peer Bitcoin transactions.
  9. All you need is an internet connection to use Bitcoin: You can buy and sell Bitcoin from your smartphone or computer. You can even use it to pay for things directly from your Bitcoin wallet in establishments that accept it as a form of payment. Moreover, people who can’t access traditional banking systems can make use of Bitcoin instead, permitting they have a device that can connect to the internet. More recently, bitcoin credit cards have become available. Meaning you don’t even need the internet to spend your bitcoins!
  10. Bitcoin is transparent: All information regarding the Bitcoin money supply is available for anyone to view on the blockchain. Every transaction made with Bitcoin is available for anyone to see too. Although, personal information is hidden. Take a look at our block explorer.
  11. Bitcoin is freedom: Using Bitcoin gives you the financial freedom to transact globally using all the properties mentioned above. As such, Bitcoin provides economic stability and newfound freedoms to the world, which are life-changing events