Wow so much trouble and mentioning ONLY one time LN... You have much to learn, how things are going on.
How many LN nodes you were running? Which type of node you were running? Public or private? How many LN mobile nodes you were using? How many LN wallets you were using?
Bitcoin will scale to masses, with LN, not with each UTXO.
We dont have enough onchain capacity for everyone to have their own channels. So we need some combination of channel factories, better batching, andother ways for people to share utxos.
That doesnt even address the liquidity scaling challenges with lightning.
Lightning is part of the solution, not the whole solution.
I know that lightning will scale bitcoin as a payment layer. I am worried about allowing users to be able to self custody their "generational wealth" for an attractive price.
Don't get me wrong, currently it is super cheap to custody your wealth. I just think that onchain fees could get extremely high in the future with enough adoption.
People should learn how to THINK LIKE A BANK, not just be your own bank...
onchain = is The Vault, the savings, the HODL, that you barely move it (only for opening/closing LN channels) LN = is The Payment Network, your spending pockets, your "commercial bank", day to day use.