Which option do you prefer? Do you use advanced solutions such as Blixt wallet?
Security Do you use a separate device for wallets or a separate profile on your smartphone?
If you are someone who is starting and just want to see that it works, you can use wallet of satoshi or getalby. But you have to know they will probably also force you to kyc one day and you don't have the keys.
Then you can try something like Phoenix or Breez which are nodes on your phone without all the complications of managing channels.
For small amounts I wouldn't be bothered to create a separate profile or new device. Android should do a good job isolating the apps. IOS too I guess but I have no idea about apple products
No, I'm not new, but I wonder how many tech-savvy users there are here on SN
I explain it here: #70725
Of course) Thanks
I generally prefer using non-custodial wallets to make the most of the network's advantages. Non-custodial wallets allow me to have full control over my funds and not rely on a third party to store my bitcoins. Additionally, they provide me with the flexibility to transact quickly and directly on the Lightning network. However, I recognize that everyone has their own needs and preferences, so some individuals may opt for custodial wallets if they value the convenience and security offered by service providers.