This stinks to me. Swan switches partners from prime trust to fortress (same founder as prime) and Bitgo, then Bitgo bails out prime trust clients?
It seems like Swan might not have done their research. What even is Fortress?
Hate to break it to you Maxis, but as an insider...I can tell you that many of Prime Trusts problems stem from the same legal/compliance/executive team that is now at Fortress...BEST OF LUCK!
the obvious and inevitable failure of 3rd party custodian services does not negatively affect Bitcoin at all
lol I don't think anyone I know was counting on Fortress being much better.
Same founder as prime trust so I don’t think it’s a coincidence Swan is working with them. I think Swan might actually have some explaining to do.
To me they seem more like a media company.
Media Company seems like the perfect characterization tbh.
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