This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Listening to Bitcoi podcasts while traveling to Mexico. Will try to use some sats there!
anyone working on an rss2nostr script?
I think @melvincarvalho has one. He created the SN ~nostr feed on nostr: #178308
edit: Ah, he used this:
Seems really simple to put together. Heck somebody extracted the bitcoin mailing list into a bunch of nostr profiles. How did you wan to use it? Care to write a short user story?
Although I feel like RSS is dying, that is one heck of an idea.
It's just a niche
its not dying, its great for syndication, its just the rss readers all went pay-only after google reader shut down.
life is good.
Target price for Bitcoin calculated to be 1.16 million USD Target price for gold @ 3391 Target price for Silver @ 396 Target price for wrapped AMPL @ 224000
Any comments on the method used for target calculations?
Man just read some of Spez AMA, what a mess.
for real, i think that was the final nail in the coffin for me. looks like it's gonna be lemmy, nostr, and stacker news for me from here on out
I have not read the AMA but why in the hell would anyone from Reddit do an AMA with everything that has been going on?
Tech platforms lately are going mental. All of them. What a wild ride.
For some reason, a box of my childhood mementos was left opened in the home office. Cut to my two year old finding my old ALF doll from 1988 and freaking out. Anyhow, I'm putting out that fire right now.
Just keep Alf away from your cats.
One of the most important principles in economics is OPPORTUNITY COST - every action has a cost because you could have done something else.
What is the opportunity cost of not having a Bitcoin    friends?
What's the opportunity cost of buying BTC at 60k? 😂😭
I don't know whether to get out a calculator or a tissue box
True this is one of the most nefarious things about fiat money. When they can print to infinity it completely bastardizes the idea of opportunity cost.
The opportunity cost of not having bitcoin is selling out your future for the present. Sure you could probably go on some awesome vacations or buy a decent car or upgrade your kitchen for the price of a bitcoin but you would then be potentially shortchanging your future self. You would also be feeding the fiat beast and starving the bitcoin beast.
Howdy everyone, the weekend is finally here it's time to decompress from the routine, perhaps a nice walk. Some music while you BBQ some steaks, a nice glass of wine while reading a good book or perhaps a nice hot cup of tea while watching the sunset, whatever makes you feel relaxed, so I wish you an incredible weekend of relaxation and good vibes. Be well my friend and stay frosty, remember that YOU matter and YOU are important.
Thanks coach.
I will be hanging out with the kiddos today and bbqing some burgers tonight.
Sounds like an amazing idea my friend, enjoy the family time!!
When new subs (~dev) Day 9
Re: Insurance companies
You pick your plan, you pay them monthly or whatever, and if you have an accident or is the victim of a crime, they provide you assistance and money. They are the real governments.
It's Friday, and it's been more than a week since I began trying to withdraw my pretty small bitcoin balance from Swan. I started a new transaction yesterday. We'll see how it goes.
I think Cory said something about everything being up and running by Monday. Clearly due to the transition from Prime Trust to Fortress.
Yeah, I've been hearing a lot of conflicting reports. Withdrawals have apparently been enabled but I'm still seeing some users struggling to access funds. Hope you didn't get burned.
Yes. I received a notice that my account has successfully migrated to Fortress. With Prime I would receive notice that the transaction is processing. I have received nothing from Fortress.
Day 55 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Imo $100k is kind of a weak target but also its not going to happen
  1. Interest rates are going to be 6% soon
  2. There is demgraphic decline and a slowdown in economy.
Inflation may persist but people are going to be clinging to dollars for dear life going forward
I agree. I will be counting for a long time.
until next decade