Is just an online account is not part of my body... I don't understand why people are so attached of their online accounts.
You’ve already posted enough good content to keep me entertained and occupied for a while, if you want the Cowboy hat streak to remain alive I would just log in for a couple minutes every day and blindly Zap me a bunch of times.
Are you suggesting you're permanently leaving or just that you'll be busy for the summer and you want someone to keep your ball rolling online while you're gone??
Your pseudonymous online account is how we know whoever you are is the one posting the content we enjoy... if there was 100 accounts with your name and were posting links, I would click any of them. Theirs or yours. Why would I or anybody else be interested in "Darthcoin" content from who I'll refer to as Barfcoin. I get enough not you content from not you elsewhere, and anyone who wants to make good content probably wants to claim their own work.
Why would I care about content from @Barfcoin three weeks from now if it's not actually your content.... I'd be more likely to block your account to be honest, I'd assume a scammer would fool you into giving over your account and they would exploit the trust the SN site has in the recognition of your handle to achieve some malicious goals. The "real you" would be back asking for help paying for your dog's open heart surgery or some other exploitive lie to get users to send you sats.
It's an interesting question you posed, not understanding why people are attached to their online accounts, but then finish off your own post talking about how you want to keep your cowboy hat streak lol