Alright folks. Our friend @Wenze gave me the idea that despite there being amazing Bitcoin resources out there, there isn't really a consensus place to send an absolute newbie who just got their first sats to walk them through the stages of what the fuck is bitcoin/sats, what do I do with it and on through to the depths of the rabbit hole.
So many bitcoiners have done amazing work creating educational resources. I think we should utilize what exists, distill it, curate it, and create an absolute newbie friendly tutorial/resource and I think it should be called "So, you got some Bitcoin- What now?" (or maybe now what).
Wanted to reach out to the SN community to get ideas to help create this or you can all tell me it's a really stupid idea, a waste of time, what we have is good enough, etc. Regardless, if you like the idea and want to be involved in the development of such a resource, let's start with the framework of what to cover and what sequence to cover it. Leave your thoughts below.
Cheers, GR
The ideal UX for onboarding is probably a human encyclopedia with the non-judging nature of a therapist.
Given that people like that are in short supply ... I think someone should take all those resources you mentioned, train a chat bot on them, and release that.
Interesting. Maybe it's not a tutorial at all. Maybe it's a chatbot named Satoshi and we just send newbie's the link to it.
I like that idea! There is so much material to train it with that it can be great. This one is not suitable but wanted to share it anyway:
I love to send 10$ on lightning to someone new using Phoenix, breez, muun or something non custodial and ask them to buy something on bitrefill or a article on
How about one patterned after The Odin Project?
Seems really popular amongst the programming community. It's well designed and walks you step by step through a learning by doing journey.
fortunately there isnt a quick way (PoW of learning is a necessity and there is no way around it)
here is my material (ppt. designed for Bitcoin educators) that you can download and use
Thanks for the PoW! I also love Anil’s decks:
My 2 cents: It's a great idea. If @DarthCoin is still around, he probably has some good suggestions. I will think about it and hopefully come up with some thoughts too.
I find this web very creative into walking through a total newbie
It's great.
Don't you think his suggestion will be to read some guides of him?
My guides are NOT enough and mostly not for total noobs. My guides are only a guidance for those that already know something but they need to go deeper or learn about more specific cases. I didn't wrote very basic stuff, just because there are plenty of them, out there. Nevertheless on the main page of my substack I put all the resources links that my readers should go an check, many of them are exactly for those newbies.
Ah ok, thanks for clarifying!
personally i what to know how we can improve bitcoin security, how to avoid and detect scam