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You know what is far more important than voting? Using bitcoin. Earning and spending bitcoin. Creating circular economies. We will never vote our way to freedom...
Proof of work
what about using bitcoin and doing more?
Oh course.
A weak person can't help others. Make yourself strong and do things to improve yourself, your family and your community. Voting for crooks to do it for us isn't doing something IMO.
There is much more than bitcoin of course.
What do you think is the better option? Sounds like just doing nothing
Be a sovereign individual not a citizen...
I assume you've read "The Sovereign Individual". Just finished it.
I AM a sovereign individual, not just reading it. That book is just a tiny part about the giant rabbit hole is opening... https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/natural-law-and-bitcoin
Doing nothing is the exact best option imo
Let game theory run its course
Not voting is not doing nothing. I mean, if you just literally do nothing else in your life then yes it is, but I doubt that. Voting once a year or once every four years for one of two candidates isn't doing much... but it is helping to perpetuate the value of the existing system. If you believe in democracy by all means... vote. But if you don't, if you believe the state is evil and the system is rigged build community, support bitcoin, make your life better. A weak person can't help others. Make yourself strong and do things to improve yourself, your family and your community. Voting for crooks to do it for us isn't doing something IMO.
Michael Malice says, why would I go to confession? I'm not Catholic. In the same way, if you don't believe in the state, why would you vote? There's the argument of self defense, and I respect that perspective but in reality your vote is pretty meaningless.
If voting was so powerful the government would ban it.
If you believe in democracy by all means... vote. But if you don't, if you believe the state is evil and the system is rigged build community, support bitcoin, make your life better.
the point was to explicitly not vote (by making your vote invalid) instead of just not showing up
i can support bitcoin and show the state that I don't believe in democracy as it currently is implemented. i can even write down "bitcoin" on my vote
I can get behind that
Ah, gotcha
i feel like a lot of people replying to my comment just saw "vote" and then started typing lol
i don't blame them, happens to me too in other topics
but i would like to see more people explaining to me how voting invalid is worse than not voting at all without going into "just use bitcoin" since i already use bitcoin
I missed that partially because you can write in your name. I didn't see that as being invalid. Also, you are still registered to vote which for me personally is still showing some support to the status quo. I have no problem with what you are doing here. I wouldn't do it but that's me. Its a journey. I have voted. Then I stopped. Then I unregistered.
Because as @kepford said, they don't give a shit about your "vote". The game is already rigged, the "voting" is just a fancy procedure to make sheeple to think that they have power.
And as I said: just by going there to the voting room, you sign that you participate and that signature means you agree whatever they will come up with. You are literally giving away your only power you have over them.
It's all about a contract. And you give your consent without even knowing for what.
By voting (even if is null) you do not have anymore rights to complain.
If you believe in democracy by all means... vote