Not really but people always need their boogymen. Blackrock is generally viewed negatively but Larry is very clear about what Blackrock does. The company manages money. None of the trillions they have access to is their money. He repeats it over and over. Blackrock is behaving based on the requests of its clients. But that falls on deaf ears because people would rather rip into Fink for ESG stuff while Blackrock also has oil and gas investments. Instead of reaching for the logical conclusion that maybe with trillions under management Blackrock has sizeable clients from both industries I guess its just easier to say "REEE FINK BAD REEE" and put no energy into thinking about things.
So, ETF's are not bad. In the case of Blackrock this is them attempting to meet the needs and demands of their clients. ETF's can be integrated into retirement plans which means you no longer have to hold Bitcoin to feel its effects. Its effects can be felt by your automatically managed 401k account instead. You don't even have to be aware and most people won't because most just open an account with their employer's provider and let it do its thing. This is how Bitcoin integrates into every day lives.
Custody of Bitcoin really has no need to be the focus of everything involved with Bitcoin. Care less about the custody and more about the utility.
OP here. Good points! I think the issue is risk...
Not holding your own coins can be construed as risk. But great points.
I don't care about ESG. My problem is BlackRock is practically the government right now. Look at this quote from a Business Insider article from last year:
Former BlackRock investment executive Brian Deese leads Biden's National Economic Council, effectively serving as his top advisor on economic matters. Biden also tapped Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo, a former chief of staff to BlackRock chief executive and longtime Democrat Larry Fink, to serve as a top official at the Treasury Department.
Meanwhile Michael Pyle, BlackRock's former global chief investment strategist who had worked in the Obama administration before joining the firm, serves as chief economic advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris.
Do people really believe the U.S. government is going to sit back and watch as bitcoin absorbs the entire bond market, destroys the U.S. dollar, and U.S. hegemony? BlackRock will help contain bitcoin's price and influence just as JP Morgan Chase has been keepng gold under control since 1970. We may all do well wealth wise in the process, but is that all you want from bitcoin?
So my retirement plan is going to force me to sell back into fiat?
What will fiat be worth when I retire? Will people accept fiat? Will I even be able to trade my fiat for Bitcoin then?
Fiat is going to outlast your lifetime and you should plan for that. Your kids may be living in a different world.
Yes, my kids will be living in a different world. I want them to have money that works in that world, not an IOU.
How certain are you that fiat will last X amount of years, and how can you be certain?