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How old do you think you are, if you dont know your birthday?
1,000 sats bounty
Peialto's bounties
I'm 45 but feel and act like I'm 25.
my hairline tells me i'm 35ish, my knees and back insist I'm far closer to dead.
early 30's
Mostly appear to be about 38 or so.
I expect that to drop back to about 33 in a few months sober, smoke free and living the paleo/carnivore/barefoot lifestyle.
I thought I was 34 but I act 7
I'm about 2 million blocks old
30yo but I'm 7y older
I am moment to moment old.
13.787±0.020 billion years, as that's the estimated age of the universe.
We're all just reused material from the beginning, just like the Ship of Theseus
Actuall 29 Think 25
If you don't know your birthday you can still track your age by the passing years but you would certainly have had to guess or be told your age at some point when you were a child as very young children wouldn't understand the measurement of time.
It is common for some Cuban baseball players when they come to the US to obfuscate their age because they don't really have accurate birth records so sometimes they register as 3-5 years younger than they are estimated to actually be.
So my answer is if you aren't a Cuban baseball player trying to get a big MLB contract you probably think you are a year or two within the age you actually are but if you are a cuban baseball player trying to get a big MLB contract you think you are whatever age you can get away with that will benefit your chances of acquiring said contract.
It is more on how do you feel your body and health.
Gotcha. I thought it was a philosophical thing you were going for not a how old do you feel thing.