is this a feature that has been considered?
Flagging is effectively a downzap. Once we switch to personalized feeds, you’ll be able to spend arbitrary amounts like you can on upzaps. We’ll also provide mutes.
Personalized feeds and muting both sound like great features.
Looking forward to these being implemented. Thanks for all of your hard work, k00b.
A negative score affected by the number of mutes might be interesting.
you can already flag posts and comments for 1 sat by clicking the three dots next to them.
it acts like a downvote in the sense that if enough trusted stackers downvote something the content becomes outlawed and only visible to those using wild west mode.
i hope no. i'd rather a mute feature than a waste sats on bad content feature
I get what you're saying, namely to try to push down into obscurity content someone might deem silly or whatever. Two thoughts occur to me: (1) a big premise of Bitcoin and decentralization is "permissionless" which aligns with free speech. The question then becomes, "Who gets to say what's good and what's not. (2) "Downvoting with Sats" sounds like zapping negative sats. Sounds like saying, "Nope, that post is bad. Instead of giving that poster sats, I'm taking 21 sats away." Which, of course, isn't possible to do.
I kind of hate Reddit downvotes. It seems so petty somehow and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I don't want to spend hard sats on shitty content
Can you switch to meta sub before your edit time runs out?
Downboting kedengarannya menarik