As you may already know since it was mentioned on SN here, Phoenix released a new blog post last week to announce the new Phoenix wallet: a 3rd generation self-custodial Lightning wallet
I applied for the beta version by mailing them at and they accepted me.
In this post, I want to share some screenshots during wallet migration.

After downloading the new beta version, you get a prompt to migrate to the new wallet:
It mentions that all channels will be merged and the process is automatic:
It mentions that 6 out of 9 channels are empty or have less than the dust limit in them. These channels will be closed, the sats will go to the miners and I will lose this inbound liquidity. Maybe I should have filled my channels before migrating so I can keep all this inbound liquidity but I didn't care enough so I continued anyway.
Migration in process ... migration took less than 30 seconds
Done! The first thing I noticed is that my transaction amounts are also properly hidden now. Before, using the "hide my balance" option only did hide my balance but not the transaction amounts. (Their German is also not the best, lol. It's spelled "Glückwunsch!" not "Glückwunsche!". Correct plural of "Glückwunsch" would be "Glückwünsche" but we don't use plural for "congratulations" in German.)
Let's check out the wallet! Settings don't seem to have changed much:
Clicking on "Payment options" reveals a legacy LNURL authentication scheme. Interesting. Don't know anything about the details though. What is the difference to the standard scheme?
Channel mangement:
Clicking on help: What happens with L1 payments if the miners fees don't adhere to my configured fee policy?
Wallet info: There is a swap-in wallet using descriptors and a final wallet using zpub now! I think this wasn't shown to the user before.
As expected, "Payment channels" only shows a single channel now. There seems to be a minor bug regarding fiat currency however. I only see "?! EUR" where the amount in EUR should be shown.
Slight UI/UX change for receiving payments:
Sending seems to look the same as before:

Since I still have enough inbound liquidity, my first deposit didn't trigger any splicing. So I still have to see splicing in effect. I'll report back when that was the case.
I'll also send ACINQ a link to this post. I think they don't have a SN account yet. Maybe they can answer my questions here? :)
Hi! ACINQ dev here.
Their German is also not the best
Entschuldigung! Doing our best with mostly automated translation
Clicking on "Payment options" reveals a legacy LNURL authentication scheme. Interesting. Don't know anything about the details though. What is the difference to the standard scheme?
It's for backward compat. Our legacy app had a non-standard implementation of LNURL-auth. Migrated wallets will default to the legacy mode.
There is a swap-in wallet using descriptors and a final wallet using zpub now! I think this wasn't shown to the user before.
Yes, the swap-in wallet is new and derives from the seed (in the previous version it was controlled by ACINQ). The final wallet was there before.
There seems to be a minor bug regarding fiat currency however. I only see "?!
If it persists after restarting the app, please report to support.
So I still have to see splicing in effect. I'll report back when that was the case.
One way to try is to send funds to your own phoenix bitcoin address, and bump the fee of the on-chain transaction.
This way you will do:
  1. a splice-out (1 input, 2 outputs)
  2. then a splice-cpfp (1 input, 1 output)
  3. then finally a splice-in (2 inputs, 1 output) and go back to the initial state. You can follow all that on and learn quite a bit. It will cost you a few thousand sat in mining fees.
Hi, thanks for joining SN just to reply!
Entschuldigung! Doing our best with mostly automated translation
Haha, no worries, it was a funny error :)
It's for backward compat. Our legacy app had a non-standard implementation of LNURL-auth. Migrated wallets will default to the legacy mode.
I see. I'll read the source code for the details
Yes, the swap-in wallet is new and derives from the seed (in the previous version it was controlled by ACINQ). The final wallet was there before.
Ahh, ok, didn't know there was a zpub already somewhere. Was it shown in one of these JSON blobs? I know there was some JSON for channel details at least for example iirc
If it persists after restarting the app, please report to support.
It's fixed now! :)
One way to try is to send funds to your own phoenix bitcoin address, and bump the fee of the on-chain transaction.
Ahh, right. Makes sense
Thanks for this awesome wallet btw :)
What happens with L1 payments if the miners fees don't adhere to my configured fee policy?
Missed that one. If that happens the swap will stay pending, and will be reattempted next time you start the wallet. As mentioned in our blog post, if you are not in a rush this allows you to minimize fees by allowing a certain max budget.
Is there a portal or something where people can check the status of their swap?
Ahh, nice! Cool feature
Their German is also not the best
Reminder that you could just step in and fix it
You are right! Thanks for the reminder.
nice and thank you. if you ACINQ guys read this, please improve the connectivity to local electrum server, today only Tor connection is possible which makes it very slow.
this looks cool Im excited to see and use splicing just know that it is supposed to make managing lightning channels way easier! keep it up!!
I'm really excited to try this!
Great walkthrough. Thanks
cool, thanks for sharing
The wallet also appears to be stuck at 60 fps. I can't actually measure it but it's noticeably less smooth than anything else in Pixel 6.
This post was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
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