The only issue is lightning escrow. Who holds the sats? We need some LN smarties to help us out. I think there was a recent post about LN and escrow/prediction markets? Is anyone knowledgeable about that stuff? I'm not.
@ekzyis is working on his prediction market site so we can bet on the 100k bitcoin price date.
the sports betting part is what @kr mentioned in a previous post: #212283
I'll try to come up with a very simple solution first (only for the 100k bitcoin price bet) and then see how I can evolve the website for more uses cases.
It won't be a real prediction market for a long time probably. More just a simple betting site to get something going.
Also, don't get your hopes up high for anything sophisticated, lol. For example, I intend to just use a simple custodial model for escrow. I'll mention something like this in the FAQ:
Q: Why should I trust you? A: You shouldn't. Only deposit what you can afford to lose.
Excellent! I say we just trust @ekzyis as our escrow agent.
If not we will work something out.
Why not use super test net bitpac?
I think won't work with small payments like 100 sats since it's onchain only. Is that correct @super_testnet?