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If you aren't paying, you're the product.
Protonmail accepts bitcoin payments
You can run your own domain email address to easily disguise you're using protonmail
It didn't for me :(. Only 2 options were paypal or credit card. That's how I found this thread. Read about protonmail accepting bitcoin but sadly that's not true from my experience trying that a few seconds ago.
There’s any promo or discount code?
I know, but I feel like having a protonmail address might be a signal that says "I'm sketchy, take a closer look at me".
Liking privacy doesn’t make you sketchy, but point taken
You can use their someone@pm.me for your email which doesn't signal much.
Also, just like 99.99% of people have no clue that your USB drive is actually a bitcoin hardware wallet, I think most people don't give a damn about protonmail (unless you are in certain jurisdictions).
This is true..
60 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 25 Jul 2023
this isn’t the product you’re describing, but it’s pretty cool regardless.
i just set up an email alias on nodeless and now in order to reach me with that email (kr@nodeless.io), people need to pay sats.
if they pay, the email is redirected to my main email inbox. if not, i never see it.
I've definitely been on the lookout for something that allows me to charge sats to accept an email. I read that Saylor did it, and HashCash, which is one of the inspirations for PoW, did something similar (although it wasn't as good because it prevented spam without actually transferring value directly to me beyond not having to read junk). Thanks!
Can I pay with BitCoin et al?
We do not offer on-site payments with BitCoins. However, if this is your preferred payment method, you can reach out to support and we will give you our wallet address. Any paid amount will be transfered to your account balance in U
I use the Micro subscription ($19 / year), with my own domain. It's not beautiful, but it does the job.
Hosting companies usually also offer business email hosting plans (with your domain). Here is a list of 7 hosting providers that accept bitcoin payments. https://coinsutra.com/bitcoin-hosting-server/
For example Namecheap accepts bitcoin and offers email plans: https://www.namecheap.com/hosting/email/
Hope it helps.
Skiff mail also allows you to pay with crypto apparently: https://skiff.com/blog/how-to-pay-in-crypto
Just tried the same with startmail as I did with protonmail. I want to set up a fresh account and pay with bitcoin. They don't allow it. Just creditcard or paypal. Maybe once you've doxxed yourself they'll accept bitcoin but only after the KYC is complete. Is there any email service that actually embodies the cypherpunk ethos? Just provide me the email and I will pay you. You've got spam protection because I pay you. You don't have to know who I am as long as I pay. But no no no. Only paypal or credit card. Great business opportunity for bitcoiners. Please someone offer a mail service with orange check instead of paypal check or credit card check.
checkout skiff dot com
love the UX
I am using Tutanota ( switched from Protonmail )
Why did you switch? Would you recommend it over Proton?
I feel like Proton is trying to do everything these days, from Email, VPN to calendar, but all I need is a private email service and the last thing I want is to rely too much on the same company.
So I switched to Tutanota for Mail ( paid with onchain Bitcoin ), and Mullvad for VPN ( paid with Lightning )
Thanks! Good point about not trusting one company with everything.
Get a free temporary email to sign in to websites where you don't want to use your personal email.
For fuck sake I tried protonmail, startmail, tutanota all of which are claimed to accept bitcoin payments. They do not. Exclusively paypal or credit card when signing up. Maybe after you've doxxed yourself they'll accept your bitcoin. Wow such adherence to cypherpunk principles.. NOT Somebody please provide an email service that gives the option of orange-checking. You don't need to know who I am or even whether I'm a bot as long as I pay you, right? Isn't that the concern of a business? To get paid? Does it matter whether the money comes from a human or a bot? You've got spam protection in either case. So maybe it's not about the money and you want to KYC? FFS. These companies pay lip service to ideals of privacy but it's a facade. In reality they do not provide an option that does not dox yourself.