How about a rebuy like in a poker tournament? Let's say entry to pool is 10,000sats. Should we give folks one chance to buy back in after losing? Up to a certain week of course (we don't want people to game the system and be buying back in with 2 players left in week 16 or something). Maybe week 12? After week 12 you are just out.
Or maybe it's like monopoly you can pay to get out of jail (rebuy) or you can get out by hitting 3 weeks in a row vs spread.
A few years back the Eagles lost game 1 as a heavy favorite. 40% of the pool lost, so everyone agreed to a buy back in as you suggest. I'm up for anything. Maybe we'll screw things up year one, but we can make it better yearly.
Years ago my buddies and I would place a few small bets on Sunday's before watching the 1 and 4 oclock games together. I always hated betting the first few weeks of the season. There were always ridiculous upsets. 49ers lost to the Bears in week 1 last year.