I guess I'm off-base judging by the other comments here, but this doesn't bother me. I'm okay with allowing the market to decide if that sat has more value than another. Or, no, it does not. They're not wrong that some sats can be proven to be "different." If Alice feels a Hal Finney sat is worth 10,000 sats and is willing to pay those 10K, why not? Free market. Freedom.
I agree with you - let the market decide. That being said, this move by BM makes me less likely to take what they say seriously, and it also makes me less likely to recommend the brand to others.
Company reviews are part of the free market. Are restaurant reviews against "free market" or part of it?
I'd say definitely part of the free market, as well as me returning to a nice place or no longer going to that cruddy restaurant.
well said
And let the free markets say "fuck these scam artists"
Your point?
Had time to write some further explanation. Here it is, since you asked: https://hive.blog/category/@crrdlx/allow-the-free-market-to-do-what-it-does
Yes, that kind of is my point. If the market dislikes it, then it will be rejected. So, yes.