Per title. Recently aside from promotions I'm not earning anything for any listening time. (Yes I'm aware 1st hour of the day only). Every podcast I try to listen to the little ⚡ is greyed out, with the usual link to FAQs on how to earn and how it works. Anybody aware of bug being worked on where they've temporarily suspended non promotion earning? Or anything like that?
I’ve had similar issues. I’ve also noticed that promotions don’t reward you if you’ve previously listened to the promoted content. Maybe that’s intentional though. I think it’s really just that they’re becoming more stingy with giving out rewards for listening, as every few days I do get some sats, it’s just not nearly as often as it used to be.
I guess I view it as a lightning faucet that’s drying up
I noticed promos that I'd already heard being recycled before and noticed I wasn't getting anything.
Perhaps that's a good way to view it, as a faucet that's just starting to dry up.
I've been experiencing the same issues but honestly this app is for spending rather than earning eventually OMHO
I’ve had the same issue, the earning meter comes and goes intermittently for me, but when it’s working I always get credit for the full hour of listening
Update : fountain have reached out and are looking into it. Very quick, very pleasant to deal with. They noted that although it is possible to randomly be allocated 0sats/m it is incredibly unlikely and for it to have happened for several times over. So they're taking a look. If you're reading this, thank you fountain and I hope we come to identifying the issue and resolving it quickly :)
I noticed the same for a while. Then I boosted a podcast a very high amount of Sats. The next day, the rewards from Fountain started flowing. I was wondering if those who give more, also earn more. Which would be more fair.
I never understood how Fountain could give away so many Sats anyway. It doesn't seem sustainable.
I often only earn 1-2 days per week outside of the unlistened to promotions and they're always only 1 sat per minute now for that 1st hour.
Mine is back up, but I wasn't earning for about a week.
They've communicated to me in the past that you can run into issues if you're using a VPN, especially if it's inconsistently used.
Perhaps. I'm not using one for fountain. But I was listening on work WiFi... Which may well be using a VPN. Perhaps I should force stop force close and then try and see what happens.
I think that kind of network switching could trigger their security flags, as well. They told me it can take a few days for earnings to resume, once you go back to your normal network usage.
Ah... I listen at home, at work, on 5G whilst in the car. I'm fairly certain my work will be using a VPN and very likely to be IP bouncing/hoping aswell.
I just tried the force stop force close clear data etc etc. And no change.
Good luck! They're pretty lightly staffed, so reaching out isn't super effective. I just happened to see one of their dev's on here and they helped me out.
I've been experiencing the same issue for a few weeks now. I am not receiving my daily rewards and when I pause and leave the app, playback does not work upon resuming, which forces me to close the app manually.
Same here. I often have to force close to get it to start playing again.
They had been a week without rewarding, yesterday I wrote them and today it's already working x5.
Thinking back, it's been on and off for a little while. I had a time where I had no rewards for ages and then suddenly x9. More often than not, when I do get rewards it's almost always x1. Infact until I saw myself getting x9, I didn't realise you could get more than x1.
Yeah the Kevin Rooke show archival history isn’t working episodes 16 to 31 won’t play for some reason.
I experience the same issue. I always send a bug report. Sometimes it helps.