Hey, for the intersection of the Venn diagram between Obsidian users & Nostr users (two groups growing fast) I made this plugin. Currently in review by the Obsidian team and will be available in community plugins soon🤞 You can try out the pre-release and install manually now though!
Feedback , comments, ideas , all welcome - thank you !
Has @nout seen this?
That's pretty cool! I'll have to try it 😊
Great, that makes 2 users! Feedback would be appreciated 🫡
Are you planning to push it to plugins store?
Could it also publish the post on Stacker News? What's missing for that? Maybe it could give a link to click that opens Stacker News and I just click publish?
Also does SN support directly viewing long form nostr posts (e.g. just given nevent).
Also does SN support directly viewing long form nostr posts (e.g. just given nevent).
As with most things, we don't. We want to do more nostr cross-posting/viewing stuff like this.
For awhile I was thinking that going fully nostr native was the way, but then I realized nostr isn't as much about decentralization as it is about portability and interop.
I agree with that. The main innovations on nostr are imo:
  • the portable and decentralized identity
  • spraying your notes to many servers at the same time instead of one server
So from SN perspective the question is - can you take advantage of these established identities and can you create or gather the best content across those servers?
Summoning @ekzyis here as we talked about this a bit.
I am working on a blog myself now. Then we can also start eating our own doog food (features) for long content creators (with or without their own blog). I didn't think too much about nostr yet. But it makes a lot of sense. I can just cross-post to SN and nostr and then integrate SN more with nostr (or with other blogs) for this use case.
can you take advantage of these established identities
Our plan to allow any post/comment on SN to be broadcast as a nostr note so long as the stacker has given us a way to sign messages with their identity.
gather the best content across those servers?
Coming from nostr into SN is harder. I haven't thunk on it enough ... If a stacker has "linked" a nostr identity to their account, their content on nostr could appear on SN as a "freebie" if it's kind and tags are appropriate or is a comment.
We definitely should allow nostr content embedding/linking like you suggested with nevent.
That would be cool.I just inputted by public key in the settings - as a noob here it's not clear to me where this is used?
Yeah I like your idea of connecting to a relay and getting Kind 1 events for this pub key. Maybe then to display them in a tab next to bio? Perhaps kind 30023 long-form events are a little too big/clunky in terms of UI/UX
Yeah it's currently in review for the plugins store by the Obsidian team. I'm new to Stacker News so I'm not sure if you can publish long-form kind 30023. I'll look into it - maybe this could be done via the short-form writer & the user ticks a box to also post to stacker news . Cool idea, thanks, I'll look into this some more...
If Stacker News would have ability to get the post content via URL (i.e. stacker.news?new-post=Hello%20world) then it would be quite simple for you to create it in the plugin and just show the link. Either way - just brainstorming. @k00b is something like that supported?
We could document the API that already exists better. It's an HTTP POST but it's possible today.
Available on the plugin store now !
Open Obsidian. Go to "Settings" > "Third-party plugins". Click "Browse" and search for "Nostr Writer Plugin".
Nothing shows up
Click "Install" next to the plugin. Enable the plugin by toggling it on.
Available for install in the plugin store now!
Not on the plugin store yet . Waiting for final approval from the Obsidian team - hopefully this week!
I installed Obsidian, but I need a little more direction to find/install the Nostr publish plugin.
This is the manual install which is necessary until the plugin is admitted to the store.
  1. Head over to releases https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer/releases and download a the pre-release for upcoming features. You just need 3 files: main.js, manifest.json, styles.css
  2. Navigate to your plugin folder in your preferred vault: VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/
  3. Create a new folder in the plugins folder called nostr-writer
  4. Copy and paste in the 3 files that you downloaded from releases - main.js, styles.css, manifest.json i.e. into the newly created nostr-writer folder.
  5. Enable the plugin by going into Settings > Community plugins > Installed plugins > toggle 'nostr-writer'.
(All of this will not be necessary once the plugin is admitted to the store.)
I published a post using this plugin here: https://habla.news/nout/40b93e21
Here's my hopefully helpful feedback:
  • It would be cool if you publish release .zip file, so I don't have to download each file separately (this will be less important once in a plugin store)
  • instead of Buy Me Coffee you could have a link to something that generates lightning address, e.g. https://stacker.news/jamesmagoo ;)
  • in the plugin configuration it would be great if I can select some options for how to publish. Do I want to keep the same name, what about front image, do I want signature, etc.
  • it needs some better integration to fill in @nostr:abc references to users or other notes - e.g. on your github you should have a post example, or maybe you should add Obsidian templater template.
  • after publishing it would be cool if this also creates a "front matter", e.g.
--- created: 2023-08-05 published: 2023-08-05 tag: [NostrPublished] nevent: "abc123" ---
  • Also after publishing it would be great to get some link to the published note
  • The published post duplicates the header and the filename, that wasn't obvious.
To make it then easy to see all your posts. You can then use dataview in Obsidian and do e.g.
dataview TABLE date(created) as Created, date(published) as Published, date(published)-date(created) as Spent FROM #NostrPublished SORT published
Great feedback - thank you! Going to get to work on some of these!
I've included some of those suggested features in the pre-release - including a ⚡️ address & a published articles view!
I'll reply here once this is available on the plugin store for easy install.