Let me add this for SN members who don't want to join because they're afraid they know nothing about NFL football:
  1. Neither do we, though some of us think we do.
  2. It's easy to level the playing field. There are lots of web sites you can check mid week to find latest odds and "pick of the week" stuff. No one here will be doing deep analysis.
Speak for yourself. I personally put somewhere close to 10hrs a week into fantasy football line ups and research.
And I've still only got one championship across several leagues in the last decade 😭😭
I am proof that no amount of research gives you any real advantage on game day. The game will go whichever way the league has predetermined and told the refs to make happen... 😜
Yes, there is a good chance some of us will falter due to hubris thinking we are going to save picks like chiefs, eagles, etc for later in the season and trying to escape early weeks picking the carolina panthers because they "match up well" with the falcons or something like that.
Hey! Don't give away my strategy!
Just kidding. I have no strategy, which is proven by the fact that I have never made it past week 10
This will definitely be me. "Hey look the chiefs are playing the texans. That's a lock, but if I waste the chiefs now I can't use them later".