A bit of a different post today. Need some feedback on the NFL Survivor pool we are planning to run this season.
  1. What do you think the buy in should be? (Personally, I think 10k sats is good but want broader feedback).
  2. Should we allow 1 re-buy per participant?
  3. If we allow a re-buy, up until what point of the season should we allow it? (18 week season. I was thinking re-buy up until week 11 or 12 but welcome your feedback.)
Look forward to everyone's thoughts.
Cheers, GR
I've played fantasy football but I've never done a survivor pool. I'd like to give it a try. How do I join?
Welcome to Stacker News.
Will post the rules, how to join etc next week. In the meantime I am adding you to my list of participants. Welcome.
I say week 8. We don't want to penalize guys who made it all the way to week 11 or 12 by giving a buyin a shot at winning late in the season. FYI, usually the pool has lost 75% of participants by week 12.
Maybe week 9 since it is the halfway point of the season.
Sounds good.
I concur completely. 10k is low enough to keep it fun and high enough to get excited about winning. I like your idea about the buy in too. My current pool doesn't do that unless lots of people get wiped out early. Since it's our first season and we may have a small number of participants we want to keep everyone around. Also, it will boost the kitty.
When should we cut off the re-buy?
Is it winner take all at the end of the season or is there a 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place?
We aren't going to have many participants, so I think winner takes all is the way to go.
10k sounds good but I agree with @siggy47 wouldn't want to penalize guys who made it that far with sudden rebuys.
Maybe week 8/9 is a better option.
Let me add this for SN members who don't want to join because they're afraid they know nothing about NFL football:
  1. Neither do we, though some of us think we do.
  2. It's easy to level the playing field. There are lots of web sites you can check mid week to find latest odds and "pick of the week" stuff. No one here will be doing deep analysis.
Speak for yourself. I personally put somewhere close to 10hrs a week into fantasy football line ups and research.
And I've still only got one championship across several leagues in the last decade 😭😭
I am proof that no amount of research gives you any real advantage on game day. The game will go whichever way the league has predetermined and told the refs to make happen... 😜
Yes, there is a good chance some of us will falter due to hubris thinking we are going to save picks like chiefs, eagles, etc for later in the season and trying to escape early weeks picking the carolina panthers because they "match up well" with the falcons or something like that.
Hey! Don't give away my strategy!
Just kidding. I have no strategy, which is proven by the fact that I have never made it past week 10
This will definitely be me. "Hey look the chiefs are playing the texans. That's a lock, but if I waste the chiefs now I can't use them later".
10k sounds good
10k sats is fine. I could do more, but I don’t want to discourage others to join
1 re-buy as opposed to more? Or none? I think 1 is good, at most 2.
Week 10-12 I think makes sense.
I think 10K sounds good but if you do 1 re-buy it should be before week 11.