Yes, probably you could say that eventually lightning could replace everything, but make more focused:
  • torrent sites: easily the best use case, instead of getting through dozen of ads to get the damn file, your paid a small amount and ready.
  • Netflix alternatives: getting every service to watch a show isn't worth it. Why not a alternative service that concentrate all those shows and movies?, Paid monthly membership and voila.
  • Roms sites: just like above, pay and get the file, no ad, not waiting times.
  • deep learning services: old photos restoration, chatbots, colorization, etc.
That come to my mind as user case that could be really useful. Also your could add Uber alternatives. Went do it think?, What would you add to the list? .
What about a chat forum with sats? Wait - thats!
The project I'm currently working on lets you stake 100 sats to post anonymous tweets. After 48 hours, you get those sats back. If you post spam then your tweet is removed and you no longer get the sats back. Using Lightning to put skin in the game of online social interaction I think will lead to a more spam-free, civil internet.
What about just buying groceries. I do that every day. Do you?
How about local dining? Takeout menu where items listed in sats. You click to add items to cart which totals the sats. When done you input a pickup name and click checkout to generate invoice and pay and go pick up your food.
instant final settlement cool a dangerous weapon when the main stream artists realize they don't have to sign their life away and can receive full value for what they provide...podcasts, streamers, online concerts, the best saying is we had block buster now we stream movies, we had cds now we stream music next is streaming money!!!! its already here
Netflix alternatives: getting every service to watch a show isn't worth it. Why not a alternative service that concentrate all those shows and movies?, Paid monthly membership and voila.
This existed once sans-bitcoin kind of. It was called cable. It was both glorious and terrible.
I think the streamin sats topic is also worth having a look. For situations you use a service for a certain time (e.g. charging of an EV, parking, consulting).
Tech support for btc FOSS projects.
Torrent sites could benefit from decentralization, services could benefit from the ease of payment. But why exactly deep learning services instead of all services?
what do you mean by roms sites? I'm thinking about building one for all types of digital files but what would you specifically pay for?
Those stupid toilets that charge you. Would obviously prefer not to pay but finding a nickel or pulling out your card suck