Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Puff puff stack sats. Let's get right to it.
Upcoming AMA: One of the top Bitcoin Bens aka BTCSessions will be doing an AMA Tuesday April 26th at 2pm CTThe BTCSessions YouTube channel is a one-stop-shop for Bitcoin news, the best Bitcoin tutorials, and interviews. Come ask Ben anything!

Top Stories skipping the meta stuff

1.  Desiree Dickerson, CEO of THNDR games, an awesome lightning games company, did an AMA. Despite the AMA being on 4/20, Des was not getting high. We also learned about Des' thoughts on the Metaverse, hiring in Bitcoin, how we might replace ads in games, and a lot more.
  1. In a related post, THNDR games announced they've done 1,000,000 lightning transactions since opening up shop; 500k of those txs were in the last 7 months alone 📈. Wallet of Satoshi, a custodial Lightning wallet, is the wallet of choice by a whopping 79% of their users.
3. Matt Odell has been posting Citadel Dispatch episodes to SN. His latest with Wiz about block explorer mempool.space, decentralized exchange Bisq, and all the other awesome OSS work Wiz does earned the 3rd top spot.
  1. SN user metamick14, who is also the founder of Geyser Fund, the awesome Lightning powered crowdfunding tool, posted a story with just the title H which users completed in comments to spell H-A-V-E-F-U-N-S-T-A-Y-I-N-G-P-O-O-R. There was a competing completion of H-A-V-E-F-U-N-S-T-A-C-K-I-N-G-S-A-T-S but the toxics won.
  2. Last but not least, BTC Sessions posted a tutorial on setting up BTC Pay Server on Voltage. Another great tutorial by Ben, which shows off Voltage's new and sleek interface.


Top Jobs

If you're not the reading type, every Friday we record Stacker News Live and cover the week's top Stacker News stories. This week we filmed our 12th episode.
Yeehaw, Keyan Main guy who works on Stacker News
If you don't want to receive these emails in the future, just reply with some kind of 'STOP' message.
love this style of newsletter on SN
k00b, congrats on your 12th episode! Did you really use a 35mm motion camera to record it? ;)
lol @ThrillerX_'s computer was low on battery
Cool idea, now deliver these via Nostr right in my inbox!