So it is officially the one-year anniversary to the opening of CoSatoshi: an online store selling Bitcoin-themed artwork & merchandise. A lot has changed, many different things have been tried, and too much money has been spent that could have just gone into more Bitcoin holdings. With all of that, sales have been very inconsistent and infrequent.
I've read a lot, studied many things, spoken with many people, but nothing seems to work. So I'm reaching out here on SN to get some feedback from a community of Bitcoin experts with extensive knowledge and widely varying skills.
What do you think is the biggest problem this online store faces in getting consistent sales? What would you change to help achieve said ends? Any other feedback or suggestion are welcome.
I had a run through your store and here are my 2 sats:
  • your clothing print is not really that appealing. The artwork itself looks nice, just need to make it look better on the clothes. You seem to take a photograph as is and photoshop it on your clothes. Not that nice looking. The image should looke like it is part of the clothing, not just a photo slapped on it (it looks very lazy and cheap, add a prompt to AI, get a picture, slap it on a t-shirt and put it up in the store) (of course this is just my opinion, some might prefer this type of print, but it does look cheap)
  • this type of merchandise needs marketing to the right community (like this post you just made ;)), but of course, the merchandise needs to be appealing, without that you are just waisting money
  • you don't give me discount if I pay with bitcoin?
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hahaha I like how they literally make the difference between real LN and Strike.
exactly, much better
Thanks, good reference. Bit of a different style overall, but good to know. I think I looked at this site quite a while back. Looks like it's changed quite a bit since then.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm working on getting the btc/ln payment discount implemented. Not as easy as I had hoped. Looking to partner with Oshi for a 'sats back' program. Appreciate your other observations šŸ™šŸ»
No snark intended, but you should put a link in the text of the message to make it easier for readers to check out your site. I'm no business expert, but what kind of marketing do you do? I think SN is starting to run trial ads. Also, your product line. Do you experiment, keeping your best sellers and trying new stuff? That's all I have, from my limited retail experience.
Thanks for the feedback. I thought I did that, but it didn't hyperlink for some reason; probably have to add the 'https://' I guess? I've run ads in the past with little/no success. I had to stop once my budget had been used up :/
This is the first I have heard of your store. I like some of the designs but don't like the fact that they are just rectangular pictures on the shirt. Go to a local screenprinter and work with them rather than an online custom tshirt place is my suggestion.
Thanks for the feedback! Appreciate it šŸ™šŸ»
Website/logo reworking.
Logo/color scheme kinda looks closer to a shitcoin project than a bitcoin project.
If you want bitcoiners there then that's what I would do
Thanks for the feedback. Good suggestion šŸ™šŸ»