A lot of these are truths about money not Bitcoin specifically and while they might be hard to stomach, I think Bitcoin contributes to a lot of people more and more having to confront these truths about money.
I like stressing that Bitcoin is neutral money, and that if you understand how biased economic systems based on fiat currency are, it's obvious that while money isn't everything, the form of money adopted by societies largely determines the state of human civilization and enlightenment. Bitcoin fixes "everything" is not to be taken literally, but it's not far off either.

  • If Satoshi would set the initial block reward constant to 64 instead of 50, we would have 26.8 million coins instead. If the point is that these numbers are arbitrary and we shouldn't treat them as special, I totally agree. If the block reward was double and the limit was 42 million, "1 bitcoin" would simply be worth half the price it is today. It wouldn't change the market cap in terms of US dollars, and it wouldn't affect the purchasing power of any specific percentage of the total supply. In fact the only thing that would change is the ability to spend to the equivalent of .5 satoshi granularity in today's terms, all other things being equal.