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These are the platforms I'm currently using to earn sats and fiat:
  • Stacker.news
  • Addslice
  • Bitcoin Magazine
  • Twitter giveaways
  • Redbubble - selling apparel for fiat
Please help me grow this list.
85 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 17 Aug 2023
I built this site for you: https://www.stacksats.how/
This is awesome!!! Thank you for sharing. I will definitely bookmark this website.
Get busy right here and get on nostr.
Thank you for sharing. I've heard of nostr but I've never bothered learning about it. I will have a look this weekend.
satoshi millions, cointiply
i get about 1k sats per day from satoshi millions.
Great. I will have a look when I have some time to spare. Thank you.
Minecraft Server - #124834
I don't really play Minecraft but thank you for sharing. I will have a look at the attached link.
Degen trading on lnmarkets.com is the best way to either make a million sats or lose them
Lol. I've been trading on LNM for a while now. I'm just waiting for a good entry point to enter a trade again. Markets are too unpredictable at the moment.
You can add https://heyapollo.com/ to the list
Thank you for the contribution. I'm going to have a busy weekend stacking sats.
Bitcoin Magazine has slowed down a lot over the last month. No more Friday bonus sats, and articles at 5 sats each. Granted, it’s free sats to read Bitcoin news, but the rewards have gone down.
Fold is by far the best when you combine it with 1% back with PayPal bill pay. I pay almost all my bills this way and earn 1% back. Free sats without doing anything extra.
It seems some head of the company has been replaced and as you say the new policy doesn't include Friday's Sat Code anymore either 50 or 25 sats articles. @bitcointerest you can also listen to podcast on Fountain and learn a lot bout Nostr there while earning sats.
I didn't know about the head of the company being replaced. Thank you for letting me know. I had Fountain but for some reason I couldn't earn any sats. I can't remember the reason. Stopped using after that. I might have to install the app again.
Yeah. Bitcoin Magazine hasn't been fruitful lately. I hope they start the Friday bonuses again. I'm still stacking the 5 sats per article.
Fold app has worked well for me over the years. https://foldapp.com/
Sad European tears
I don't think fold work for my country. Hopefully it will allow more countries to benefit from their initiative in the future. Thanks for sharing.
Don't worry. That thing looks like a garbage casino... You'll probably never make sats there... πŸ€” πŸ€• But who knows? Some gamers are lucky... πŸ™ˆ
Flat 1% sats back using the debt card and 2.5% back on Amazon gift cards. On-chain withdrawal available after stacking 50k sats.
www.fumbgames.com has a game called bitcoin miner. Which is able to Easily collect and cashout 500 sats by lightning each daily.
emberfund has daily sats earn per hour with referral boosts.
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Awesome. Thank you sharing. I haven't had much luck with freelancing websites in the past. I will have a look at your suggestions.
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